Are you ready?
The Employment Law landscape and your place of work will change quite dramatically over this parliamentary session with the new government’s proposals for a new Employment Rights Bill
The factsheets include the following:
·????? Overview of the new Employment Rights Bill
·????? What are Day One Rights
·????? Bereavement, Paternity and Unpaid Parental Leave
·????? Fire and Rehire
·????? Unfair Dismissal
·????? Trade Union Rights
·????? Zero Hours Contracts
?See the link below to access the government fact sheets.
It is clear the existing legal framework is going to change in a big way.
New Fair Work Agency is coming
A separate Fact Sheet has a focus on a proposal to introduce a Fair Work Agency. It will become known as the FWA.
Basically, it will bring together existing law enforcement functions and, over time, take on enforcement of a wider range of employment rights. This will be a single one stop place where workers and employers can turn for help. It will improve efficiency claim Ministers by ensuring there is one leadership team to oversee work in line with a unified strategy. The FWA will aim to resolve issues upstream by supporting employers that want to comply with the law. But it will have strong powers to investigate and take action against businesses that flout the law, to level the playing field for compliant businesses.
At the time of going to press there is no mention in the government fact sheets about the role of ACAS but what we do know is that bill abolishes two current public bodies – the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority and the Director of Labour Market Enforcement -the important work they do will carry on under the FWA.
The bill also requires the Secretary of State to create an advisory board with a social partnership model: equal representation from businesses, trade unions, and independent experts, which will in practice provide advice to the FWA.
More coming soon!
More will come soon from law makers and we will keep you posted!
A wide range of our training courses are being updated with the latest breaking news on these topics including:
·???????? Basic Employment Law
·???????? Employment Law for HR Teams
·???????? Equality Laws including the new Preventative Duty on Sexual Harassment
·???????? Disciplinary and Grievance Policies
·???????? The Effective Employee Representative
Help with policy and procedural changes is also available