Are you ready for Thanksgiving dinner?
Laurie Delk Radecki ★
Motivational and Keynote Speaker??Top International Sales Leadership??Relationship Marketing Trainer??CEO??Professional and Social Entrepreneur ??Best Selling Author
Are you ready for your Thanksgiving dinner? Before you know it, it's going to be Christmas and then 2018!
We have SO much to be grateful for!
I know I am grateful and thankful that my life, every single day, is filled with helping people to better their lives, focus on their future on how to enhance it, helping people take actions on their goals and dreams, creating business and passive income streams that help care for them and their families....
Many times, starting out, it *is* about the money, trying to support or help support yourself and your family to be better and cared for better....after awhile, you see it is far more important than the dollars in your bank account or theirs that you help, but about the difference for good you are making in the world and in others lives' for better.
I am SO blessed, every single day, I get texts, emails, phone calls, private messages, and more from people who say, that something I said or shared - made an impact on their life, helped them to think or be better, or get closer to their spouse, or God or their kids, or made them more money, or helped them to help someone else....
Don't wait for the new year to make those new years can start and make changes for better NOW......There is still almost 60 days of this year left.....start now, get moving, and finish this year STRONG, and start the new year on a STRONG step toward better for you - whatever that *step* in whatever *shoes* that is for you.
Most of all - be thankful and grateful for ALL God's blessings in your life and around you - friends, family, house, car, and if nothing else.....that pretty blue vase on the wall. <3