Are You Ready For a Nude with Tarantula Photo Shoot?

Are You Ready For a Nude with Tarantula Photo Shoot?

Are You Ready For a Nude with Tarantula Photo Shoot?

The model search for a woman to pose nude with a pink tarantula was interesting. It was only the 4th client I asked that was thrilled to do it.

Freya is a large 12-year-old Tarantula. She will fill the palm of your hand. Freya is a rescue pet owned by Krista. Desirea is my enthused client turned model; she also brought a friend who joined in for a few shots at the end.

We warmed up the studio for Freya then turned off all of the fans. Moving air makes her wary and uncomfortable. Tarantulas are very fragile, and they know they are. So they are cautious, we had to be too.

My original idea was to create some shadowy black and white studies. Seeing Freya’s pink coloring I did not want to lose that in the BW.


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