Are You Ready To Move To Millions?

Are You Ready To Move To Millions?

Yesterday, I spent a little time reminiscing...

Do you remember the first time you charged five figures for a program?

If you were anything like me, you knew you'd "arrived"... and before you knew it you'd be living in the dream house, driving the dream car, and checking the balance of the dream bank account every morning.

Then, your alarm went off.

The truth is, what got you?here?won't get you?there,?and if you aren't on your p's and q's, your prospects will tell you they can't afford it and turn right around and hire your competitor.

I'm going to keep it all the way real with you - there may be full months that go by where you don't sell anyone into anything.?#Facts

And when you are knee deep in the feast or famine cycle of your business, any money you make evaporates quickly to pay a past due bill.

I can totally understand why you haven't taken a true break or vacation in YEARS... (and it wasn't just because of Covid.)

You know how I know what's going on with you?

Because I was you!?(Remember I told you I was reminiscing, right?!)

I was spending every waking moment on content, showing up online and off, and spending lots of time on sales calls with the wrong prospects who weren't the right fit for my programs. And when I finally got someone to say yes, even if they weren't a good fit, I would enroll them (some money is better than no money, right?!)


At one point I didn't bring on a single new client for FIVE months, and if I didn't have cash reserves in my business, my next step would have been borrowing money from a family member or best friend (and that would not have been cute).

I had to figure out what I was doing wrong, and fast, because it wouldn't be long before my well ran dry.

The first realization I had was that I needed to get into alignment. I was clear that I needed to be in an energy to receive and I needed to believe I deserved it. Next, I needed to figure out why I wasn't closing prospects. You see, I knew I was talented and I also knew that my programs were the best thing since pockets...

My biggest takeaway? The sale actually begins?way?before you get them on the phone with you...

This meant I needed a BREAKTHROUGH in my mindset, messaging, and marketing if I wanted start closing sales again.

As soon as I realized where I had gotten off track (hearing "no" a lot in a short period of time can do that to you if you're not careful), everything started to SHIFT - the way I showed up for myself and for prospects in my messaging, marketing, and in sales conversations took a massive turn for the better. And most of all, I started to OWN my Incredible Factor without apology.

Once I stood in my power and stopped bending over to bring on clients, clients started telling me why I should let them into my programs!

And I also shifted the way I overcome the common objections. Instead of getting defensive like I had to prove myself to them, I started to listen and just treat it as a normal part of the conversation. (By the way, you're not in a sales conversation UNTIL you get an objection.)

The truth is getting objections allows us to get a bird's eye view of what a client is dealing with and creating a pattern of in their life. And when we are fully present, it allows us to?partner?with prospects to get them to stop the pattern. If you listen intently, they will tell you exactly why they're stuck... and more than that we can learn what working with them as a client will likely be like so that we can decide if we?want?to help them transform or not.

Did you catch that?

WE get to decide...

So the next time you hear an objection coming, don't brace for impact; step into the powerful opportunity to serve them.

Something incredible happened when I realized this powerful truth - my closing conversions skyrocketed!

When you understand this and adjust accordingly in your "come from" in the conversation, you will be able to turn any objection into a new client.

Most business owners see objections as the time to convince a prospect to buy. I don't recommend you make a habit out of begging people to let you change their life. If you do, heed my warning:?if you drag them in, you'll drag them around the entire time.

So if you're not going to convince your prospects, what should you do?


I teach my clients to create an entire strategy around their sales conversations and every client who used to struggle with this is now closing clients who pay in full (even though they used to struggle with getting people to buy with payment plans).

The biggest thing I want you to take away is that once you truly understand your prospects, you can help them chart their path to a transformation through working with you.

Ready to turn "I can't afford it" into pay in full clients??We should talk.

Nothing would bring me more joy than to help you close more sales with grace and ease.

But I should warn you, I don't work with people who fight to keep access to their comfort zone. But, if you are coachable, you take decisive action, and you'd like to raise your rates so that you close five and six figure programs consistently, I'm your girl.

You ready?

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