Are You Ready For More AI Oversight and Regulations?
Welcome back to the AI Chalkboard, I hope you had a fantastic holiday! Change is coming to AI in the form of regulations and more oversight. Are you ready to learn all about it?
If you’re a person that laments how many news agencies hide their articles behind a paywall and wish there was a way to bypass them, you’re about a week too late! Apparently, if you were a paid subscriber to ChatGPT and used the Browse feature that uses Bing to search the web you were able to bypass paywalls by using the print feature. ?Access was pulled pretty quickly and some users were not happy but OpenAI seems to be taking the better safe than sorry route with this. (2 minute read)
Can you look at a piece of writing and tell if it was written using generative AI or not? That is an issue that is plaguing educators right now, how can they tell if a student actually wrote what they have turned in? And in the name of fighting fire with fire there is about to be a boom in software to detect just that.? There are already several companies offering this type of software but at this point it hasn’t taken off on a district level with schools, most of the subscribers are one off teachers hoping to get ahead of this issue on their own. But, if you are teaching this year you’re almost certainly guaranteed to come across this type of tech being introduced alongside the latest LMS this school year. (5 minute read)
There’s a new law on the books in New York City that is requiring that all AI used in hiring be tested for gender and race bias. It seems like this is a step in the right direction, although it currently has a very limited scope. It doesn’t cover age or disabilities. The real issue is the wording of the law, it states that if a company uses this type of software to substantially affect the hiring process then they have to comply. Does substantially seem really subjective to anyone else but me? (4 minute read)
Are you sick and tired of scam callers and telemarketers? There’s an AI for that! The Jolly Roger Telephone Company has several GPT-4 bots to choose from, you enter your phone number and instead of you having to deal with them, the bot does. This might actually be more effective than the no call list. (3 minute read)
Here’s another 100% free certificate that you can earn in less than a day!?