Are you ready to lose everything ?

Are you ready to lose everything ?

By now, we all know life has its ups and downs and that one day there is possibility that we can lose it all. One event or the accumulation of a few, can make or break us, but when it breaks us, sometimes it hits hard and everything can collapse, disappear, break. The thought of that can be very uncomfortable and you might even recognize your own journey while reading this. A buddhist monk I listened to a few years back, said that in life we can get a new car, a new job, a new partner, etc, and one day all of this can disappear and that this is the nature of life than to accumulate positive things and one day it can all fall appart. The question he then asked was how comfortable we are right now with the thought that one day we can lose everything. Isn't it the nature of life than things come and things go ? That made me think a lot on the moment. Accepting the risk that one day we can lose everything yet be in peace with that idea ?

He talked about inner happiness and to a lot of people out there, inner happiness is some sort of hippie alternative thing that people say without thinking much about it. But inner happiness is so powerful that if you cultivate it rightly, it becomes your best friend, your best defence, your best protection against life's ups and downs. Accepting the risk that life contains, allows us to navigate more peacefully life challenges and to perhaps make a step, and two outside our confort zone. It's all part of life than to stand, fall and stand back on our feet. It's all about a decision, the decision to stand back and there is only one person who can make that decision, it is you. Les Brown, one of my favorite motivational speaker, said that "if you fall, fall on your back, cause if you can look up, you can stand up". So fall on your back, and accept that life has some ups and some downs, and what matters is what you make out of it.

I'm not saying that we should get up in the morning and smile about the fact that one day we can lose it all, but that we should get up and learn to accept the unknown, accept the risk, measure it rightly and react accordingly. Work on yourself, on your inner happiness, cultivate it, open your mind to possibilities and fasten your seatbelt during hard times. We all go through difficult things, but we don't all do something about it. What if you decided to turn it into an opportunity to grow ? To change your perspective about things ? Navigate the ups and navigate the downs, it's part of life than to rise and sometimes to fall, and even though I hope for you there will more ups than downs, I'm pretty sure you'll face some challenges like everyone. That is part of life and once you become more comfortable with the idea that getting up sometimes also means falling several time, you'll find it easier to stand back up every time.


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