Are you ready to change?
Some days ago, I had the chance to watch online the theatrical performance Frankenstein. Yes, that’s right, a theatrical performance on my computer. That’s a new initiative by the National Theatre that offers every Thursday full-length plays streaming for free at its Youtube channel.
At first, I was a little sceptical. Theatrical performances have always been presented in front of a live audience. Could a play be equally intriguing for those who are watching it from home? Well, this play eliminated all doubts. There are no words to describe its exceptional direction, the imaginative scenery and the outstanding performance of Jonny Lee Miller as the creature and Benedict Cumberbatch as Victor Frankenstein.
The story itself was a great food for thought. I couldn’t help but compare it with our current situation.
In this story, Victor Frankenstein decides to create by himself a perfect human. Finally, he ends up creating a monster. He intervened with nature and severe consequences came afterwards.
During the past days quarantine measures have ended for many countries. However, I tend to think what our next step will be. Are we going to learn from our mistakes or are we going to return to our past habits.
The last decades we have destroyed the planet at an unprecedented degree. We made any possible effort to consume planet's natural resources. We consume more than we need and we produce more than we should. Our practices are unsustainable, as if there's no tomorrow.
During the last years there is a big discussion about environmental pollution. We are all aware of the situation, but we act like it's a problem that affects everyone else but us. Perhaps we believe that our contribution to this catastrophe is tiny. However, billions of people have the same thought. And that's a lot. We think that governments, factories and companies are the ones to blame. But all these act according to our needs. The more goods we want, the more they offer us.
Earth's protection is everyone's responsibility. Besides, it's the only planet that we can live on, at least at the moment. Perhaps, we will have the chance to migrate in the future, although we have already thrown tons of debris there.
Today, history is being written and we are all part of it. During the last period we have all done our best to protect everyone by staying at home. I want to believe that this situation will make as wiser and we will try to review our habits. Hopefully, we will be proud of ourselves in the future, for our new attitude towards life.
Things don’t change if we don’t change.
So, are you ready to change?
If you’d like to support National Theatre, you can donate here: or text NTATHOME 10 to 70085 to donate £10. Every Thursday there's a new play.
EarthHow (2018). How Much Space Junk Orbits Earth. Retrieved from
Ritchie, R. & Roser, M. (2020). CO? and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Retrieved from: