Are you ready for A.I.
A.I. is going to change the business world (or something like that)

Are you ready for A.I.

There is limited vocabulary in English for intelligence. We mostly deal with intellect believing it to be the complete sum of intelligence. It is only one of four main types of intelligence. Imagine a knife, this is your intellect. Everyone wants it to be very sharp, we even say that in our day to day lives. Unfortunately, intellect can only take data points and memory and reorganize it into thoughts. Another limiting factor with the knife is that there is a hand that guides it, close to what we would say is ego, but is much more. It is the identity we take on and hold dear to. Our intellect whether we want to admit it or not, can only function within the boundaries of this identity. This is why people have such strong opinions.

A good way to look at it is this, imagine if I said oh this person has such a passion for chess or a passion for business. That is a positive, it is a compliment. To live a better life you must have exuberance, think of it as passion that is not tied to anything. Not to an outcome, to a philosophy, to material things just exuberance. Like a child. A child is not passionate, they are just exuberant. They are more in touch with other areas of intelligence than adults, even though their intellect is still gathering data. Be like a child if the world is getting you down.

Now think about A.I. It is only 100% the knife, question is what is the hand? It is not the savior or the replacement, it is only intellect. Why do you think it is called artificial? Depending on what the hand is, it can also be very dangerous. If I said hey here is some artificial coffee or some artificial steak, would you like it? Why so with intelligence?


