Are you ready to Accelerate?
Shaping the Future: Data for Social Impact Education panel at the Accelerate Conference.

Are you ready to Accelerate?

At the Accelerate: Data for Social Impact Conference, Amy Yeboah Quarkume, Ph.D. of Howard University observed that the name of our convening–Accelerate–captured the sense of urgency being felt in the field. Both the public and private sectors are racing to keep up with rapid advancements in data, technology, and AI.

But if everyone is running, she asked, how can we ensure that we are acting with intention?

For social change to happen in a way that is sustainable, scalable, and equitable, the people designing solutions must resist the urge to run fast, and recognize that it is more important to be thoughtful than it is to be first.?

A thoughtful strategy begins by putting the communities we aim to serve at the center, says Danielle Getsinger, PG of Adaapta , and designing solutions and building capacity at the same community level. From there, we must build trust and expand our network of partnerships, as described by Daniel Obaka of GIEVA.Org . And those partnerships must include a diverse, cross-sector, and interdisciplinary group of voices, which is what Suhani Jalota of the Myna Mahila Foundation enjoyed most about our most recent convening.

These are just a few of the key takeaways shared in our conference recap video. Take a couple of minutes to hear more from those who attended, and consider the ways in which their insights may inform your work.

Only then, when you’ve centered community, prioritized trust, and built partnerships, can we turn to the question that my colleague, francesca dominici of Harvard Data Science Initiative , posed: “Are you ready to accelerate?”


Perry Hewitt | Chief Marketing & Product Officer, DataDotOrg

Last Call for AI2AI Entries

Harvard Data Science Initiative | Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth | Payal Dalal

The deadline for the Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Inclusion Challenge (AI2AI Challenge) is fast approaching! DataDotOrg and the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth , with regional support from Dasra , are looking for innovative existing AI solutions to accelerate inclusion and economic empowerment. This challenge seeks applications focused on inclusive growth that are climate-aware, gender-equitable, racially sensitive, and locally informed. Apply by July 18, 2024, at 11 p.m. UTC .

Academia’s ‘CAN Do’ Attitude

美国芝加哥大学 | UChicago Data Science Institute

Around the globe, DataDotOrg ’s Capacity Accelerator Network is building a workforce of purpose-driven data practitioners and enabling social impact organizations to unlock the power of data to meet their missions. At the 美国芝加哥大学 , this collaborative model comes alive with the Data Science for Social Impact (DSSI) Summer Program –an epicenter of the US CAN Hub where students are advancing environmental advocacy and building purpose-driven careers.

Digital Learning Launch

Capacity Building Commission | Awarri

In our 2022 report, “Workforce Wanted: Data Talent for Social Impact,” we highlighted the potential to develop 3.5 million purpose-driven data professionals in low- and middle-income countries by 2032. In pursuit of that goal, we are expanding our suite of digital learning opportunities and recently added courses in Nigeria and India in partnership with their respective governments. Focused on responsible data management, these courses will help us to strengthen and diversify the workforce pipeline in data for social impact, particularly in the public sector. Stay tuned as we bring more courses, in more countries, online!



