Are you ready for the 2-22-22 Gateway?
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Are you ready for the 2-22-22 Gateway?

Dear ones, there is a force more powerful than anything you have ever encountered on this physical plane. It’s unlike any other energy and it can do the impossible. However, this energy will never force you or demand you to do anything you’re unwilling to do; nor will it lead you in any direction except that which is for your highest good. That’s because this energy comes directly from the Divine and interacts with you as unconditional love.

Love from the Divine cannot run dry, it is an ever-flowing stream of blessings that is continual

This energy of love moves mountains, creates miracles and it makes a way where there was thought to be no way. On the 22nd day of this 2nd month in the 22nd year, this energy of love will be magnified and intensified for all. A gateway of love and acceptance will be created and remain open for all eternity. No man can destroy what the Divine have decreed so there is no need to fear. It is not necessary to guard, protect or shelter this gate in any way. Rather than trying to shroud it in a veil of secrecy, we ask that you share this love and its power with all. Love from the Divine cannot run dry, it is an ever-flowing stream of blessings that is continual. It cannot be ceased or redirected onto some and not all. This waterfall of love has arrived to bless everyone no matter their belief system. It is here to uplift and inspire all of you who dwell here to rise up and awaken to the joy of living that is found in partnership.

The Divine desire to give through this portal of love and they require your assistance to do so

The partnership that we speak of and wish you to seek is with the Divine. Two is the number of joining, unity, and partnering in a beneficial alignment that brings benefit to all involved. The Divine being complete in their manifestation seeks to gain nothing from you but they do desire to give. It is their greatest desire to see each one lifted up into the place of love where they are able to receive miracles, the desires of their heart, joy, and peace. The Divine desire to give through this portal of love and they require your assistance to do so. It is your participation that determines the degree of energy that is received. The Divine seeks only to give, you decide how much you are willing to receive.

Prepare your heart to receive maximum benefit by doing the work to clear away the lower vibrational energy that you are clinging to out of ignorance.

As you open your heart and welcome in the beautiful and beneficent love that’s pouring forth during this time of increased awakening, you will be accomplishing two things. First, you’ll bless yourself as you’ve never been blessed before. However, you may further enhance the quantity and quality of the loving blessing you receive by stepping into alignment before the apex of 2-22-22. In addition, prepare your heart to receive maximum benefit by doing the work to clear away the lower vibrational energy that you’re clinging to out of ignorance. Sweep away all pain, negativity, limitation, and past trauma. Let go of anger and resentment. Release the need to get even or continue playing the victim. All of this garbage is standing between you and the golden gift of love that wants to take up residence in your energetic heart center.

You cannot prosper as a bouncing ball that follows an erratic pathway but you will be guided and fly swift and straight as an arrow toward its intended target when you partner with the Divine

Now you must choose which side you will serve. The gap between the light and the dark is widening and making it impossible to hold both thoughts of despair and well-being in your mind without causing you mental anguish. Choose with care and once you have chosen, stand true. Do not vacillate between uncertainty and surety. You cannot prosper as a bouncing ball that follows an erratic pathway but you will be guided and fly swift and straight as an arrow toward its intended target when you partner with the Divine.

Each one who is open to their love receives a never-ending portion

In this energy of unconditional love and Divine partnership, you will be rewarded for your faith. You will see the unfolding of miracles in your own life. Dreams thought long dead but still held dear will be rekindled. They will blossom with new life and bear fruit that signifies new beginnings, increased prosperity, and an overall sense of well-being. Yet, this energy of love overflowing will not stop with you. You, as the receiver, will receive the first portion of the blessing, your cup will be filled first. Yet, long after your cup has been filled, those loving blessings will continue and this is how the Divine orchestrates the second part of their blessing program. Each one who is open to their love receives a never-ending portion. Those who have cleared out the lower energy and have made room for more will receive more, for each receives as they are willing and able to do so. Then the receivers who are filled to capacity will become fountains. Fountains of loving blessing pour forth onto everyone everywhere. No one will be forgotten, overlooked, or excluded. All will be included.

We beseech you to release the darkness, from the surface irritations all the way down to the deepest depths of your being, and then open your heart to partner with the Divine

On this most auspicious occasion in which you have chosen to be in physical form we beseech you to release the darkness, from the surface irritations all the way down to the deepest depths of your being, and then open your heart to partner with the Divine. From this partnership, you will receive a continual stream of loving blessings that are now being made manifest. Do not delay, open your heart to receive the love the Divine is pouring forth this day.


Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D – The Heart Healer, is a spiritual empowerment coach, minister, bestselling author, public speaker, and clairaudient angel communicator who specializes in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, Angel Heart Healing, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at? join the My Heart’s Desire Community at? be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.


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