Are you questioning whether your significant other truly loves you?

Are you questioning whether your significant other truly loves you?

Are you questioning whether your significant other truly loves you? It can be difficult to tell, so here are some signs that may aid in deciphering the truth. We all express love differently, and a man can give off mixed messages - but certain aspects of genuine affection tend to present themselves without fail. If these things appear in your relationship with him, then chances are he deeply cares about you! I would like to introduce the three P’s to you.

Does he Provide? Traditionally, men are expected to be providers, but it’s deeper than traditional. It’s almost an innate, a part of their construct to do so, so when you see a man who moves in a way to provide, it a promising sign that he’s in love with you is if he provides for you. This could be anything from money to emotional support and encouragement. He cares deeply about you if you find him taking the initiative to provide for your needs.

Does he Protect? Again, traditionally, we teach her young boys to be strong protectors, so they learn early to protect the things that are dear to them. That intern will be you, so when you find someone who runs to your rescue to protect you from someone who says something about you or wants to cause physical harm. Again, a great sign of true love is if your man constantly looks out for your safety and well-being. Is he willing to risk himself to protect you?



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