Are you pushing yourself too hard..

Are you pushing yourself too hard..

Recently I had a big public speaking workshop to give for Dental Women…Leading into that, I had one of those days where I was sitting down to write out what I was going to do at this workshop.

There was so much push - push - push in my body!

I lost my creative juice…

Nothing was flowing.

The words weren’t coming right.

Nothing was coming together with ease!

I found the more I was pushing, pushing, pushing - trying - sitting there, staring at my computer screen…The more that nothing was coming out for me!

Of course, next it escalated into the cycle of frustration.

“Oh my god…What am I going to talk about!? I should know better…” etc…

I could feel these deprecating thoughts starting to spin out of control!

So, next time you have a moment like that and you find yourself push - push - pushing, but ALL your creative juice is dried up…

Do this: Get out into nature!

Start to move your body! Go for a brusque walk. Get the blood pumping again. Have lots of water.

And STOP pushing!

Because if you keep pushing, you’re just going to get frustrated.

You can’t squeeze creativity out!

(You can squeeze out a whole bunch of other stuff out if you have to do it - it’s called the grind…)

But creativity comes on its own when you’re expanded and open! When you’re feeling constricted, tight and you’re doing the grind, the truth is, there’s not going to be any creativity.

Chill out. Get in touch with nature. Hug some trees! Breathe, move your body, and your creative juice will be back!


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