Are you a pro procrastinator?

Are you pro at procrastinating?

You are not alone.

According to Dr. Joseph Ferrari’s research,?about 20% of adults are chronic procrastinators.

Following are some of the reasons we procrastinate:

?? Lack of motivation

?? Bad habits or addictions

?? Lack of confidence

?? Fear of failure

?? Perceived difficulty

?? Distractions

?? Stress and burnout

When we procrastinate, we have made a choice to put off what's logical in our mind, in favour of how we are feeling emotionally.

What we are good at is creating convincing stories that justify those emotions.

What we don't realise is that behind these seemingly harmless emotions is fear, self-doubt, stress and even lack of confidence in our ability to do what needs to be done.

Procrastination is then simply our way of self-regulation and a coping mechanism.

If we want to avoid procrastination, we must first understand the underlying reason for procrastination.

Understanding our why for doing anything gives us clarity and certainty.

Once we figure our why out and attempt to resolve it, we are able to overcome procrastination quickly.

What is your best strategy to overcome your procrastination?

#confidence #procrastination #selfdoubt #fearoffailure


