Andrew Chason
?? AntiHustle, ?? Marketing Maister, ??♀? Brandtender, ?? Experience Illustrator, ?? Studio Head, ?? Cult Chronicler
Or are you undervalued and disrespected?
(( This is the forward to a guide I'm putting together with r/antiWork, to help show humans the rights they have and the respect they deserve when negotiating the emotional landscape of fealty-through-employment ))
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I’m starting my second go at having my own Company. This is a Foundation I began to build right as CORONA became a problem to humanity.
Before, I was CTO of a Web Development and Social Media Marketing company. During this time, while researching ways to make our company better, I fell down a hole realizing Language+Empathy ARE a form of technology. Maybe our best form yet.
At this Marketing Haus, we had a problem: while we made fabulously designed and technically efficient websites; we could not communicate the value of charging The Client to help them plan, determine, order, or write their Content.
A mentor of mine fabulously pointed out: ”You showed them the mountain. You did not show them YOU had climbed it before. You didn’t show them handholds, or stairs you had built, you didn’t guide them to any summit or around any pitfalls.
She was right.
This is relevant, as now, for the past couple years, I've been touring The Land. When COVID hit my wife and I sold 95% of our possessions and began living out of our modified minivan; on purpose.?
This has afforded me a higher QoL, and given me Clarity on my purpose and process.?
I say, we are “Composed through Conversation”. Along the teachings of Richard Feynmen, I fully believe that we are refined as we share our ideas: I am blessed to have met a lovely host of creative intellectuals and artistic weirdos as we’ve traveled. While “I’m not for everyone”, finding that our strange-message is lovingly received by the right Comrades is encouraging.
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In 2009, I had just graduated with honors, and was the Lead Multimedia Consultant for a publishing house: thinking I was on my way to attaining that “American Dream”, I was married in March. One week after my honeymoon I was in a debilitating car wreck.?
My head hit the wheel, my spine did a good job trying to pull away from the left-side of all my meat, and my hips were the exit point for the bolt of force I had endured.
I am beautifully broken, doing my best to breathe through my pain, and keep a joyful noise on my tongue, as I have used this time to gain REAL perspective on “The Box” so many have paid me to creatively think-out-of for them.
This is all to say, since then I’ve done all I can to “work”, to be “productive”, and generally helpful as I share all I know; and continue to feed my head.
I started working for myself, because I didn’t feel whole. I didn’t feel I could do the shitty-swing-dance of, not only LOOKING for constant-employment, but keeping my word to whomever DID decide to couple their life with mine.
Time and a life of Chronic Pain have shaped my perspectives. Given me a heart of gratitude. Changed my priorities.
I’ve been an Artist and Designer for over 20 years. And 90% of my acquaintances feel that self-promotion is gross. So, we’ve begun a thesis: ”Marketing is the Magic of Mind Control: How to Ethically and Authentically speak to your Passions and be Appreciated by your Comrades”.?
Marketing HAS been gross for some hundreds of years; but the Creative that engages in purposeful self-promotion is far more likely to build connections, contacts, and coin; than those who never take the time to find their voice: regardless of skill level.
Know your needs. Cry out for help. We all need it!
As a designer I have reduced this new practice to an intersection: The Psychology of Communication, and the Empathy of Design.
In 2021, while I was researching patterns to help my Students speak more confidently about themselves, I came across a “coach” who had given himself the title of “positive change agent”.
I thought that was pretty neat.?
It’s been my pleasure to show others the fractal of choices they have when starting up their business: this stuff SHOULD be fun, exciting, and you do (in a lot of ways) get to make shit up, and call yourself whatever you want.?
YOU get to build the dream you want to step into. Why build something that you’re going to hate.
Work can be Play, SHOULD be Learning!
A business is largely what you can convince others to pay you for.
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Up until now these words have been to show a pattern. I don’t think, or care, like others.?
My priorities and values are different. I’ve never been a money-bro. There are seasons, due to my philanthropy, I am notoriously poor-of-coin.?
Your real-wealth lies in your Health and Connections.
How do you feed your head?
I believe that if you speak confidently to your Knowledge, Skills, and Talents; if you’re personable, determined, and relatable; if you can-then back all this up by experience and action; then you WILL be Appreciated.
I’m deliberate with my words.
We’re nearly ready to pour the slab of our Foundation, a virtual school that wants to gift our Intellectual Artist friends more Creative Agency of their own.?
I say all this because time and circumstance have given me Clarity.
I fully believe that a human cannot divorce their business-mind from their muggle-mind. You are holistic.?
Everything you do affects everything you are.?
Everything you say, reflects the way reality reacts to you.
So I have become quite the Communist. I have spoken to many, and lurked in r/antiWork long enough to SEE, that most of those who take up the mantle of manager, boss, CEO: Job Creator; they are mal-adjusted human beings.?
Too many I’ve talked to are burnt-out, used-up, under-appreciated, stretched-thin:
Because they have no Agency or Encouragement to leap out of the boiling-pot of toxicity they’re in.
We have to live (BE!) the example we want to see; sometimes upending everything if it means serenity, sanity, and survival.
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I teach:?
Daughter, Sister, Student, Worker, Wife...?
There is only one relationship: Mutual Respect Through Kindness.
Don’t let them tell you otherwise.
Money is mostly made up, circulated by Faith.?
It is a reflection of Energy spent in service to others, and just how much we are Valued.
You are NOT your JOB, but you should intellectually own your Vocation.?
Feed your head. Build a fence around your ideas. F-around, and find out.
“Getting a Job” is not the only way to get/have money.?
Slavery and submission are antiquated notions.
Money absolutely DOES grow on trees: Of human connectedness.?
THAT is the only way it moves around.?
Don’t let them tell you otherwise.
My values are:?
...Intellect, Authenticity, Empathy and Wholeness.
My business is called:?
...Snail Space Studios : Meaningful Media Marketing.
Our Ikegai are:?
...Learning, Design, Storytelling, and Wellness.
I have a wyrd christianity and an Optimistic Nihilism.?
I am a tourist on planet earth. I hold no tribe. I am a man of no nation.
I believe we are beautiful and brief.
Once fabulously impossible, I celebrate that we even ARE.
Contrast is the heart of all Art.?
Time permeates all media.
Practice is Everything.?
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Thank you for taking the time to read this. In addition to putting this guide together with the help of my Comrades at r/antiwork, r/workReform, and those heads in academia I’ve shared this with:
It is my joy to lead creative intellectuals through fun interactive workshops of:?
Business Development,?
Brand Strategy, and?
Media Production.
There is no secret to my sauce, nothing I won’t take the time to teach.
If you need a friend, don’t look to a stranger.
I’m here to support you.
What job have you given YOURSELF while you’re in this Big Blue Room?
(( If you're my Comrade:?
Help me out by typing your constructive thoughts,?
as you SHARE this )).