Are you prepared for what life throws at you?
God forbid, if something were to happen to you today would anyone in your life know how to clean up the details of your life, both big and small?
I'm not just talking about your estate plan or final arrangements.
In my family, I take care of alllll the little details that make our lives run like a well-oiled machine from our monthly budget to our insurance policies to managing the logins & passwords for all our online accounts.
Now, I'm your typical type-A control freak so trust me, I love every second of it.
However, one day my husband said to me
"If something ever happens to you, I'm screwed. I wouldn't know how to keep our household running. I would be totally clueless."
As dramatic as it sounds, he was right. Most of the details and nuances that kept our day to day on track were simply in my head, and the ones that were documented were scattered across multiple documents in multiple locations that he didn't even know about!
Seriously guys, what a mess. ??
Don't even get me started if something were to happen to both of us. Both of our families were clueless as well as how to pick up the pieces.
So I immediately started working on a document called IT'S MY LIFE, listing EVERY LITTLE DETAIL about our lives.
Before I knew it, I had compiled a book with 18 different sections with over 150 pages that truly covered every detail of our life, both the big and the small.
I started sharing this with others and started getting requests to share my template so that they could be prepared and do the same.
At that moment I knew it was my duty to help people prepare for the unexpected.
To provide them with a resource that would take the burden off their loved ones and would make a tragic time a little less difficult and confusing.
It's My Life E-Book is launching soon.