Are You Prepared For a New Start?
Photo by Renan Lima:

Are You Prepared For a New Start?

Today is the first day in 30+ months that I did not have to get up at 4:30 a.m. to start my day. My body had to fight that instinct very hard. I lost the battle at 5:15.

As a leader of projects, I rise early and get myself ready for the action to start at 6 a.m. Most construction guys start their days somewhere between 530 and 6.

I often remind myself that between stimulus and action, there must be a pause. This pause is gold and it allows us to properly process the stimulus in order to choose the best action to take next.

So I am pausing while planning...

Recently when I was home for a weekend I finished a painting that had been left unfinished in my studio for 2 years. So maybe I will paint a few more?

I also came up with an idea to write another book. In the last year, I discovered the work of Patrick Lencioni and really enjoyed learning from his stories. The story is always followed with theory after the story.

My, 100-150 page, book idea would be a story of a young project manager that is being mentored by an older one to prepare the PM for the execution of a large project. What makes the story unique is that it covers the normal gated process followed in the industry, emphasizes a PMI flow I wrote about in my PM series of workbooks with a few process areas added, and includes a construction management aspect. Those three elements will make it unique.

So I have started creating a TOC and it is coming along nicely.

Lastly in a couple of days, I will take 5 weeks to completely discharge and recharge my energy. My plan is to travel throughout southern Europe. No places I specifically plan to be in or for a known timeframe but a general meandering through several countries.

I want to allow places to pull me in and soak up the history and people into my energy.

Maybe each day I might write a page or two or three...

The way I truly rest is by working on a side project while on vacation. Nothing big but maybe 1 hour a day towards something creative. That is less than 5% of the day...

I am excited about what is next.

As a spiritual person, I can see the fingerprints of God all over my life and past roles. Looking back through them I know why I was there, who I was to influence, who I was there to help, and what needed to be accomplished. I have no doubt he is busy preparing for my next role in which I can serve the people around me.

For now, I will enjoy the fruits of my hard labor...


Robert Trajkovski, altPMP BSEE MSE Ph.D(ABD)的更多文章

