Are You Prepared?

While talking with a friend the other day about our goals for the new year, he remembered a sermon he had heard years ago. The sermon title was, “You Don’t Get What You Want; You Get What You Prepare For”. That really struck a chord with me because that sentiment speaks to the essence of my chosen career path. I became a Life Coach because I want to help people prepare for what they want out of life. I specialize in personal development, helping people improve their performance and enhance the quality of their lives.

So many of us go through life acting as though what we want will just drop out of the sky. We fantasize about where we’ll live, the cars we will own, the vacations we will enjoy, the happy marriage we will have, the satisfying career we will manage, and on and on. However, how many of us actually make a plan, create a strategy, and then follow through? Those of us who have rich spiritual lives pray and call on God for wisdom and direction; we ask for doors to be opened; we ask for favor—but then neglect to take the actions that will help us manifest the blessings we’ve asked for.

The problem is, that when we receive the answers to our prayers, we often are not prepared to take advantage of them. Let me give you a few scenarios:

  • Today, if some great benefactor walked up to you and said, “If you can tell me your total amount of debt to the penny, I’ll write you a check for that amount right now”, could you walk away debt free?
  • If your supervisor calls you into her office and says, “The department is opening up a new position that you’ve voiced an interest in, but it requires specialized training. How long would it take you to complete it?”. Have you even researched what is needed?
  • You’ve been wanting to leave your dull, repetitive, low-paying job to pursue an entrepreneurial venture you’ve dreamed about for years, but you don’t want to lose the ‘security’ of a regular paycheck. One day, however, you go into work only to find that you’ve been laid off! This is your chance. Are you ready to step into that entrepreneurial role?

Unfortunately, in so many cases, we are not ready for our breakthrough opportunities when they come. For one reason, they often come disguised as challenges. Those challenges require us to think ahead, prepare, and take appropriate action. When we’re not ready, we’re forced to scramble trying to figure it all out—what to do first, who to call on, where to go. Well, this doesn’t have to be the case for you. You can decide right now that you will commit to actively move forward by asking yourself the hard questions, assessing your current position, evaluating how far you are from your goal, determining possible obstacles, and then designing a strategy to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

We must be proactive about managing our lives. As your coach, that’s where I come in. I help you do all of this and then keep you accountable to assist you in reaching those goals. When you're ready to do the work, I'm here to support you. Visit for more information.

You deserve the chance to experience the breakthroughs you’ve prayed for—in your finances, your health, your relationships, and your career. Your responsibility is to be ready for them when they come. You get what you prepare for. Do the work. Research, investigate, plan, and then follow through. Be prepared. Your breakthrough blessing is on the way!


