Are you prepared for 2025?
Hilary Rowland
Executive and business coach, Ikigai expert #ikigai #executivecoaching #businesscoaching #career transitions
We all know change is a constant but it’s fair to say we can expect a whole new set of challenges in 2025. If this alarms you, you might pick one of three reactions: flight – stick your head in the sand and hope for the best, fight - double down on what you’re doing and do it even harder or freeze – rabbit in headlights, oncoming train?
Or… you could get prepared.
Will leading your business be any different in 2025? It’s always a challenge but here are some of the new ones:
·????? The effect of the budget, NI increases for employers
·????? New employment laws
·????? Changing generational expectations of careers
·????? A new President in the White House.
You may need to think about things a little differently and change your mindset. For example:
·????? Forget about clarity, the ability to deal with ambiguity is what’s needed. That’s not to say you shouldn’t have a sense of direction. It may be personal direction, your own values and sense of what’s important. Research has found that companies that succeed are those that have a long-term sense of direction and then tack and weave in response to what’s thrown at them.
·????? Forget about work-life balance. Life and work aren’t distinct spheres that need balancing. They are intertwined, and success lies in blending them seamlessly rather than keeping them apart. Let’s face it, how many of us have really mastered the art of keeping work and life apart? For many of us, especially those of us who love what we do, where does work end and enjoyment begin?
·????? Forget personal branding. Authenticity beats image every time. Personal branding has become a trap, pushing people to perform rather than be authentic. It’s much more important to be real and people will trust you much more, an important consideration in leading and motivating people.
·????? Forget finding a mentor, find a provocateur. Rather than seeking a mentor who reaffirms your beliefs, you need to find someone who challenges your thinking at every turn.
Actually, that last one might the be most important. If 2025 is going to turn some of your approaches and beliefs on their head, you need someone to help you keep track, help you think about how to focus when there isn’t clarity, challenge you when work has taken over your life and someone who helps you communicate who you really are when the chips are down.