Are you playing offense or defense?
Hola my amigos, I'm very fortunate of my journey in life, successes through failures. Last year was the year with my biggest lesson learned yet, many may call it failure. A lesson that unconsciously withdraw me to expose myself to more pain.
I idle for a few months for questioning myself and trying to figure out what was happening to me, keeping my energy, optimism and positive thinking helped me along the way, took a little bit of more work, because like weeds, negative thought were starting to appear. Luckily, the networth (you are reading right, networth and not network because they add so much worth to the people around them) of people I surround myself with are very encouraging and caring, kept me moving through my journey.
Lots of coaching, masterminds, listening, questioning, reading, studying, and couldn't figure it out, when suddenly (I call it the moment) I realize that I was living life in the defensive side, trying to protect and not to loose whatever I had left, and by trying to safeguard myself, I was not replenishing, I was not looking for more, I was not winning, and that was the moment when I realize I was not scoring, I was not being an offensive player in life. With that, I'm coming back stronger and eager to score big again, Another reminder that breakdowns are the step stones of breakthroughs.
So my amigo(a)s, how are you playing life, are you playing to win or are you playing not to loose? Let's leave this world better than we found it. Make it an awesome life!