Are You Playing This Dating Game?
Elizabeth Tritsch
Science based Dating & Relationship Coach, Love Accelerated Founder & Dating Attraction Expert helps singles find love and quickly go from single and alone to partnered and in a loving, committed relationship.
There's a dating game that's become extremely popular.
I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of the countless people who are playing it, too.
If you're like most, you don't even realize you're playing.
But it could be preventing you from connecting with someone.
It's generally done on dating apps but you could also be doing it in person, or on a date.
If you've been doing it for quite a while most likely, it's become second nature.
You could play this game when you're feeling tired, bored or lonely. You could be feeling disappointed, angry or frustrated.
I'll give you two scenarios starting with dating apps because this is where its most prevalent.
Tell me if this sounds like you…
You log onto a dating app. You decide that you're only going to swipe on the ones that you find attractive.
You're perusing through and you find yourself swiping left on most everyone. This could be because no one is catching your eye.
You see someone you're attracted to and instead of swiping right, you read his bio. After reading the bio, you decide to swipe left.
Out of 20-30 people, you might've swiped right on 3 or less.
This can be great because it could mean you're discerning.
But if you're going through 30+ people and you still aren't finding anyone you're interested in, you're definitely playing the game.
Second scenario, you meet someone – it could be from an app, it could be in person. There's enough of something there and you agree to meet.
During the date, you're looking for all of the things that could be red flags. And you find them.
You go on another date with another man and you notice all of the things that are wrong with him. This continues again and again. This could happen on the first date, the second or the third – it doesn't matter.
You're definitely playing the game.
What's the game?
It's called The Elimination Game.
With this game, you tell yourself you're being selective.
You convince yourself there's no good ones out there.
What you're actually doing is playing the hard-core version of The Elimination Game.
Your goal in this game is to find a flaw in each and every man you come across.
And you're winning.
You are excellent at this game. Your high score is revolutionary.
Very few people have a score as high as yours.
There's no good ones out there.
And you're right.
You are 100% right.
There's no good ones out there, for you.
How could there be?
And so you log off the dating app or you leave the date feeling justified.
Yet, you're also feeling lonely, disappointed and frustrated.
You're not alone.
I've noticed that a lot of people who've been playing are really good.
I've played the game in the past. In full transparency, I've found myself playing it recently.
The question is...
Why are you playing this game?
And, why are you so good at it?
I'll address the reasons why in an upcoming article. I'll also give you ways to overcome it, if you choose.
The most important thing, is to realize what you're doing.
Only then, can you choose to play another game.
I'm hoping that you'll choose to play a game that's a win/ win for you (and your future partner).
If you're ready to be a different kind of winner, I invite you to schedule a Strategy Call with me.
Together, we'll talk about your high score and what you can do to win at a much more rewarding game.
I look forward to connecting with you and helping you be in a happy, loving relationship.
Date intentionally and win the best prize,