Are You at a Pivotal Point in Your Career?
Mary Jane Mapes, CSP
Are you a leader with the education, experience, and knowledge but not getting promotion you deserve or the results you want from your team? If so, guaranteed, I can help.
Concerned Leader,
Do you feel at a pivotal point in your career with time running out for that next big promotion?
What should you do?
· Research leadership gurus?… but you only end up with a list.
· Read all their latest and greatest best-sellers?… but those pages of notes you take quickly get shelved.
· Register for that class everyone’s talking about -- How to Empathize? … Aaaaah, but time passes, and new practices gained get forgotten.
· Listen to the hottest leadership speaker?... words that fade faster than a politician’s campaign promises.
You know this because you’ve done those things. Right?
And still you’re stuck.
NOW, dear Leader….
Imagine you KNOW your strengths and leadership gaps.
Imagine you have someone to support, coach, and mentor you…able to help you diagnose the biggest block to your growth as a leader.
Imagine you have the prescription for what will move you from WHERE YOU ARE to WHERE YOU WANT TO BE.
No book. No random class. No lecture.
Just Prescription. And a plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
If this is for you, click here to schedule a BEFORE and AFTER SESSION to pinpoint exactly what is standing in your way of the your next big career move. Then, IF possible, I will share a resource to help you move to the next level.
Mary Jane Mapes