Schelli Whitehouse
The Business of Coaching with Horses ~ Reach More Clients, Feed Your Horses and Change the World!
The mere fact that you are actively creating sacred space for personal and professional transformation for humans and horses is a phenomenon. This is still a very young industry and we are the pioneers setting the tone and standard for future growth and development. Providing safe and sacred spaces is the key to phenomenal success!
Let Go of “little me”
I used to worry that I wasn’t ‘savvy’ enough or ‘famous’ enough or ‘worthy’ of the gifted clients I set out to serve. This kind of fear and worry in my business focused on “the little me”, which often resulted in uninspired action and giving my power away to others. When I focus on the ways that I can help you define and monetize your spiritual gifts in the most authentic way possible then I am completely operating from my own highest self where there is no room for fear and worry.
'Who' versus 'How' Creates a Sacred Space of Possibility
When facilitating a client who is experiencing emotional pain and confusion, many of us have a default impulse to want to ‘fix’ their situation, alleviate their discomfort or offer what we see as an obvious solution. (This is the mentality of ‘How do I fix this?’) If we act on that default impulse, the sacred space of possibility is now closed for that client and we assume responsibility for their solution.?
That is disempowering for the client. A great facilitator will stand in the space of discomfort (even if they see an obvious solution) and help the client notice what is taking place with the horse(s) in this space until the client comes to their own revelation of what needs to happen next for their best interest (this is focusing on the person and their experience at this moment). The results for the client are phenomenal, even if they are not wrapped up with a pretty, happy bow.?
Create a Sacred Space Of Possibility For Your Business
If you have a grand vision for your equine-inspired business that has you continually asking yourself “How do I (fill in the blank)?” Then you could be closing down your own sacred space of possibility by taking on all of the responsibility of creating a solution by yourself. Healthy bands of wild horses function through intuitive shared leadership. You may be the ‘lead mare’, but if you have no herd you may be vulnerable to the elements.?
Consider applying the same principle of holding sacred space for what’s possible by releasing the “How does little ol’ me (get more clients, hire a team, find a barn, buy the property, offer a life-transforming service, write a book, earn a living, ask for funding, etc...?” (author Mike Dooley refers to those as the ‘dreaded HOWS’!)
Take a deep breath, let all of that go, and turn your focus to helping those you serve (or want to serve). All of the above answers are embedded in the intention and steps you take to reach the people you are meant to serve.?
Admit What You Don’t Know
You are not only in the business of creating sacred spaces of possibility for your clients and horses, but your business is a sacred space of possibility for your own personal and professional growth and transformation. I’ve said it before, “Entrepreneurship is the most rigorous personal development program you will ever put yourself through!”
This work is not for the faint of heart. In fact, it takes a phenomenal heart. You are a powerful, progressive, provocative equine-inspired practitioner who is helping to lead the charge toward conscious evolution!! Do you think you might need a little help along the way??
Get it! Take the first step. Define for yourself what your needs are, and prioritize their order. Then determine if you can do it yourself or not. Buy, borrow, and barter for what you need. Once you are clear on your priorities, the Universe will have the space to conspire to help you.??
Need Help?
The QLEAP Team is ready to support you!
If you are not yet earning $5K/month with your equine-inspired service, that’s our first goal. If you are earning that (or close to it) the next goal is $10K/month, and so on…??
We are all horsewomen and/or equine-assisted practitioners. We know the transformational quality of your work and are here to teach you the marketing and sales skills you need to have the impact you want.
Apply for a clarity call HERE!?
Hope to chat with you soon ??