#145: Are You a "Perfectionist" Personality Type?
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#145: Are You a "Perfectionist" Personality Type?


In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're looking at another personality type in the Enneagram series. Today, it's type 1, the Perfectionist.

This type is in the Gut group, those who relate to the world through their instincts.

From this type come some of the wisest and also some of the most critical of people.

This type shows us the importance of rules, routines, and structures in life which can sometimes make them rigid and over-demanding of others.

So, while there is much to be admired in this conscientious group, there are also downsides to the personality of the Perfectionist, as you'll learn in the following slides...

01. Intro to the Nine Personality Types

The Enneagram is an ancient system in which everyone can be slotted into one of nine personality types. These types are conditioned by nine different needs, namely: the need to be perfect (Ones); the need to be needed (Twos); the need to be successful (Threes); the need to be different (Fours); the need to perceive (Fives); the need to be safe (Sixes); the need to be happy (Sevens); the need to be strong (Eights); and the need to be at peace (Nines).

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02. Ones Are Perfectionists

Ones want things to be right. In any group, they are the standard-bearers for how things should be, knowledge which they bring from a deep understanding and respect for rules and laws...

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03. Question 01

Who do you know in your working life is a One personality type? Describe some of the incidents that you remember about this person that defines their type.

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04. A Summary of Ones

The following are characteristics of Ones: developers, reformers, puritans, fundamentalists, umpires, referees, rule-makers, idealists, critics, Miss goody-two-shoes, quick to anger, independent, conscientious, have high standards, detail-conscious, morally superior...

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05. Question 02

Thinking about someone you know who is a One type, what were the positive ways in which they behaved which showed their type at its best? What were the not-so-positive ways?

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06. How to Recognise a One

Ones give off an impression of tension: they are unable to relax for fear that they should be working. Ones are more tuned in to duty than to pleasure...

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07. Question 03

Thinking of someone you know who is a One type, what are the habitual characteristics of their personality? How do you react to these habits?

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08. The One at Work

Ones embody and embrace the Protestant work ethic which is the cornerstone of Western industrial organisations. Ones believe that work is good not just for its economic benefits but for its moral benefits too...

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09. Question 04

Describe how the following might typically behave at work: a One-type boss; a One-type colleague; a One-type on your team.

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10. The One-Type Organisation

A One organisation has the following characteristics:

a. work needs to be efficient, ie doing things right;

b. managing by the book;

c. sticking to the letter of the law and agreements;

d. morality is important in any business dealings;

e. a belief in the work ethic...

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11. Question 05

Find an example of an organisation that shows the traits of the One-type personality. Explain what it is like working there or being a customer there.

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12. Noteworthy Ones

Some noteworthy Ones include: Martin Luther, leader of Protestantism in medieval Germany; St Paul the Apostle; George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright; Oliver Cromwell, leader of the Puritan movement in 17th century England; Charles Dickens, 19th century novelist; Abraham Lincoln, 19th century President of the United States; Thomas More, who was beheaded by Henry VIII for his principles.

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13. Question 06

Use one of the well-known people in the list of Ones, or someone else who is well-known. Research what is known about them and jot down an anecdote that illustrates their type.

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14. "Strict Rules and High Morale"

Philip Toosey was the British Army officer whose leadership of the prisoner-of-war camp at Tamarkan in Thailand during the Second World War was immortalised in the film, "Bridge Over the River Kwai". Toosey, a One personality type, was played in the film with a stiff upper lip by Alec Guinness.

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15. Question 07

If you were the manager of a One personality type, how would you get the best out of them and develop them further?

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16. A Final Word

To discover the Ones on your team, ask yourself: "Who always likes to follow the rules?"; "Who likes to create and follow routines?" and "Who tends to be most critical when things don't go right?".

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What Next?

If you have worked through each slide in this presentation, including the question slides, you will now have a great set of resources to help you recognise, understand, and work successfully with the "Perfectionist" personality type.

Now's the time to build on what you've learnt.

With over 22,000 learning resources on our 6 websites, with 2 sites offering free downloads, you can now take charge of your own learning and go deeper into this topic.

In particular, you can view a whole range of videos on the "Perfectionist" personality type here: https://www.snippizz.com/#/video-all/5462%3Ftopic&topic_ids%3D5462

With regular daily learning, you will be amazed at how quickly you will fully understand this topic and use this knowledge in both your work and non-work life.

Well done and good luck!


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