Are You the Perfect Customer of the Financial Institutions?

Are You the Perfect Customer of the Financial Institutions?

There is the Debtor:  The Debtor wants to buy something, wants to buy it now, takes out a loan, then goes into debt to make the purchase.  The cost to the debtor is interest on the loan.

There is the Saver:  The Saver wants to buy something, postpones gratification, saves money, then pays cash to make the purchase.  The cost to the saver is the lost opportunity cost on the cash.

The financial institutions love both the Debtor and the Saver.  The financial institution pays the Saver almost no interest for the privilege of using the money, and on the flip-side, charges the Debtor interest on the loan.

If both the Debtor and Saver start at zero, and practice this cycle throughout their lifetimes, they will both end up in the same place - back at zero.

Meanwhile, what are the financial institutions doing with their money?  Follow the money.  Financial institutions are in the business of making money.


