Are you a pension millionaire & you didn't know it?
Here are a few questions to think about?
- Did you know that a 54 year old who has been a high earner with 30 years working for companies with a Pension scheme could be sitting on a combined pension pot of £1m?
- Did you realise that you could convert your pensions into an income whilst protecting the value of the fund for future generations?
- Did you know that after April 2016 the pension lifetime contribution plummets by £250,000, resulting in you being taxed on money you may not even realise you have?
- Did you know if you're 55 or more this year you can protect your pensions against this and even start to get real value from the money you've set aside?
Please do have a read of the following article - Who wants to be a pension millionaire? How much would you have to put away each month to reach the £1 million lifetime limit on pension savings?
Speaking to someone about your Retirement Options is imperative! Why not do that with Reeves Independent, just email [email protected] or call us on 0191 281 9862.