Are You On The Path To Success Or The Road To Insanity

Are You On The Path To Success Or The Road To Insanity

Today, I want to ask you the question, are you on the road to success or are you on the path to insanity? 

I know it seems like a funny question, but let's look at the definition of what insanity is. 

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. 

And yet, success comes from consistently doing the same actions over and over again, so how do we know when what we're doing is going to lead to our success and how do we know when we're just going crazy? 

Well, I've come up with five different ways that we can use to know when we're on the path to success. 

1. Getting Uncomfortable

Okay, so the first way is that the path to success is uncomfortable. Because we're stretching ourselves, we're pushing ourselves, we're putting ourselves out there, we're doing things that we haven't done before, and we're learning things that we haven't known before. 

It's uncomfortable and this is where part of our problem comes from because our brain is very persuasive and very convincing. 

When we get into discomfort, it starts to tell us things. 

It starts to tell us that we can't do it, that we're not good enough…

That no one's going to listen…

That everyone's going to laugh at us. 

It starts telling us these things and it starts convincing us to switch tactics, to try something else, to back away from what we're doing to take ourselves out of discomfort. 

But if you're in discomfort, that's a great thing because it means that you're heading in the right direction. 

So just keep going, okay? Don't listen to your brain when it tells you that you're going insane. Just keep going. 

2. Performing A Strategic System Consistently

Now, the path to insanity comes from just doing one thing over and over and over and over again expecting a different result from that thing. 

In contrast, the path to success comes from the synergistic energy that's created when a strategic system is consistently performed.

Success comes from us working out a strategy and system and putting that in place and doing it consistently. It's not just doing the one thing over and over and over again. 

3. Incremental Success

Now, the third reason you'll know that you're on the right path is that success may not happen overnight, but it does come incrementally. 

You should be starting to have some early wins…

You should be starting to see some things happening…

You should be getting some engagement. 

You might have some people getting your opt-ins. You might have some people coming on to your calendar. 

It may be just small initially but if it's happening, if things are starting to move, you're starting to push that rock up the hill and starting to see some stuff happening then you're on the right path, so just keep going. 

4. Putting A Play Into Place And Following It Through

Now, success also does not come from second-guessing yourself consistently. It does not come from changing your mind all the time, or from doing something once and then trying something else. 

It comes from putting a play into place and following it through for long enough that you can get some results. Long enough that you can sit back and analyse those results and then tweak what you're doing and then go back in there. 

Success comes from taking emotion out of it... 

From succumbing to knee jerk reaction when bad things happen…

From being able to carry out what you're doing for long enough that you can actually look at the results and study and use them to see whether or not what you're doing needs to be altered. 

Then, and only then, can you know you are going the right direction.

5. Being Around Long Enough

The last place that success comes from is being around long enough for the people that you want to help to see that you really are the leader for them. 

There's a lot of people who will be watching you and be weighing you and be studying what you're doing, but be nervous because they may have put their trust in other people before, and then had that trust betrayed.

Success grows and grows and one of the reasons it grows is because the longer you're in the game, the longer that you're there, the more content you're putting out, the more social proof you're creating, the more people you're going to be drawing towards you.

Imagine you're like a magnet and you're able to pull things from long distances but it takes a long time for those things to get to you. 

But the longer you're there as that magnet, the more and more things are going to come towards you. 

That's what happens if you're doing the right thing in your business in your online marketing, and you are there for long enough to see the fruits of your labor.

So that's the difference between success and insanity and how you can tell if you're doing the right thing.

Now, I’d like to invite you to jump on a call with us. We are currently enrolling people into our Boomers membership where we teach a simple system for building your online marketing system. We call it our Client-Getting Machine, and we’d love to help you create it.

So if you are struggling to work out exactly what you need to be doing to build your client-based business online, use this link to jump on our calendar so we can see if we can help you:


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