Are You Open to Happiness…?
It might seem like a very strange question because most of us are deeply attached to seeking enjoyment and avoiding discomfort. We always prefer pleasure to pain. Yet we know from the research that most people today are not particularly happy. The increasing reliance on prescription medication for treating depression, anxiety and insomnia speaks volumes about the declining state of our happiness and wellbeing. In light of this, today might be a good opportunity for us to consider the alternatives.
Let’s start with a very important insight. Almost every thought and feeling that we experience can be attributed to our subconscious conditioning. We’ve touched on this subject before but around 99% of what you say, think, feel and do can be traced directly to the vast yet largely invisible realm of the unconscious. Rather than focusing on why we’re unhappy, this insight raises the intriguing question of who exactly is feeling anxious, worried, stressed or despondent. If our feelings are an extension of the roles that were laid down in our subconscious foundations, then why don’t we choose a more positive set of behaviours that will better support our health, success and wellbeing? The temptation is to change our circumstances in pursuit of happiness. The answer is to fine tune our sense of who we really are.
There are plenty of methods for introducing subtle shifts into our unconscious programming and we only need one approach to begin the process of raising our spirits and acquiring a more robust set of responses to life’s challenges. Because, for most people, the moment we learn to adjust our sense of identity, we open up the possibility of experiencing life from a much more positive perspective. We’re blissfully unaware of how we respond to the stream of messages embedded in social media. We blindly follow the chattering voices of our personal, internal dialogue. We’re constantly exposed to these intrusive, behavioural influences. It’s time to change the voice. Change the message. Give yourself some positive, uplifting and empowering suggestions. Discover how easy it is to choose exactly how you wish to feel. Open your heart to happiness and experience the warmth and light of a naturally sunny disposition. It’s a small adjustment that will reach deeply into every aspect of your life and make each day so much more worthwhile.