You are the only thing stopping your success

You are the only thing stopping your success

Think about the dreams you have had in your life.

The ones you thought were out of reach or would take years to achieve, but when you actually started putting in the work, it all came together much faster than you ever imagined.

We often get caught in a world of the impossible.

We think everything we want, and all the things that we want are so far out of reach that we can’t even dream of taking action on them yet.

This mindset leads us to inaction.

We get caught waiting.

Waiting until enough time has passed.

Waiting until we feel worthy.

Waiting until someone else tells us it’s okay, that we deserve it.

I was once working with a senior female executive in a property company and during our first session she shared with me her dream: to leave Australia and work in London. When I asked her why she thought it was a dream, not a potential reality, she cited excuse after excuse: ‘How can I, when I’ve got this responsibility’; ‘My boss doesn’t support me. He says I have to put in x number of years before I can even consider it’.

Her mindset was well and truly stuck in the land of impossibility.

Over our next few sessions, we worked on an action plan, we visualised a future, we created a new mode of operating that included both doing and creating all—with the bigger plan in mind … and within 12 months her dream job in London became a reality.

It was an achievable reality from the start.

Achievers have a ‘can-do’ mindset. They get on with it. They don’t just think about it; they take action.

Where in your life or your business have you been stuck in inaction? Saying you can’t when in reality you know you can, it’s just more comfortable to stay in your lane.

I’m calling it out now.

I’m giving you permission to make a plan, to make things happen instead of just remaining a dream, a could'a, should'a, would'a.

Because if you don’t change it today, in 12 months from now you could be sitting there thinking and feeling exactly as you are now…

Or you could open up an entirely new world for yourself.

The choice is yours, what life are you choosing?

If choosing which direction, method, or strategy to unlock your brilliance seems like an overwhelming task then let me guide you to your first step.

You can book a call here. Let's get you sorted with some clarity, and direction for 2023.

Janine x

Janine Garner Business Mentor

When you are ready to start growing your business or practice, here are a few ways I can help.

1. Land more higher-paying clients with help from me. Lock in a Free 15 Minute Call for a conversation about how results-proven, step-by-step system women like you are using to start landing the clients they really want, get more Yes’s, and get paid more for every contract, with help every step of the way. Click here to book your Free 15 Minute Call. 

2. Ready to ELEVATE your business now? Join ELEVATE, my mastermind program - for ambitious female consultants, coaches, and thought leaders already running a 6-figure business who want to add $10k -$50k+ to their monthly revenue.

3. Want to get more clients NOW? You know you do great work and you would love more new clients. Download my simple 3-step A-grade Client Getting Strategy. This strategy helps you attract more clients that YOU want to work with and that will grow with your business. Land your A-Grade clients by downloading the strategy here: A-Grade Client Getting Strategy. 


