You only have to get it right most of the time, not all of the time.

You only have to get it right most of the time, not all of the time.

Too often we convince ourselves that to get a considerable result with weight-loss, we need to take drastic action.

We put pressure on ourselves to make some massive leap in our health in fitness within an impossible timeframe.

Improving a fraction every day on our habits is much more comfortable. Do the maths if you can develop just 1% every day you will have grown 30% in only 30 days. 

Where you are in life right now is down to your habits. Bad habits today will show up in the future you so you must consider your future self.

So how do we build good habits? It's down to having a system, its the very reason I created the Limitless system because I knew from my own experience that I needed a system rather than a diet or workout program per se.

If vision and goals are necessary for trajectory, then systems and habits are the high octane fuel that you use to propel you forward fast.

Problems will always arise when you focus on your goals but neglect having proper systems in place to achieve those goals. So if you're struggling to change bad habits, the problem isn't you the problem is down to your system.

The fundamental aspect of habits is that you must change your identity. If you are trying to give up smoking and someone offered you a cigarette, there is a massive difference in the following responses.

"No thanks Im trying to give up."
"No thanks I am not a smoker."

Which statement do you think is more powerful?

When you have set out to lose weight in the past, you probably never even considered your identity. You just thought "I want to get in shape", "If I go on this diet, I will be in shape."

You set the goal of losing weight and determine the measures you will take without realizing the beliefs behind those actions because behind every system lies your belief system.

Be safe in the knowledge that behaviour that is not incongruent with YOU will never last.

I am going to give you the secret to creating and maintaining good habits, and that is.........BE PROUD OF YOURSELF.

Once you get your pride involved, you'll fight to the death to maintain those habits because a real transformation is an identity change. There is no such thing as a fitness fanatic; it is just an individual who is proud of their body and their health, and that's what I want for you.

It's easy for someone proud of their body and their achievements to make the right choices most of the time, and they still enjoy all the foods that you do as well.

So armed with this knowledge, your task is not to pursue a behaviour change, but rather you are merely acting like the person that you want to become.

Each time you start to work out, you are an athlete.

Each time you cook a meal from scratch, you are a cook.

When in doubt ask yourself... 

"What would a healthy person do?"

Your habits not only get you results; they also teach you a valuable lesson. To trust yourself. Of course, this can work the opposite way too. Every shitty habit reinforces that identity. 

So the good news I have for you is this-

You don't have to be perfect all the time, only most of the time. 


