"If you're going through hell, keep going."?
quote?by Winston Churchill?
IN OTHER WORDS: Regardless of how difficult a client may seem, hang in there and you'll eventually get the sale.
Saying,?“They’ll never buy”?or?“It’s not worth it”?is simply not acceptable!??It’s a fact of life, every sale will not be a walk in the park.??Every customer will not be ideal.??If you decide you’re going to pass on the sale because?‘IT’S JUST TOO HARD’?then you’ve already begun the downward turn toward failure.??The next may not be as difficult a sale, but you’ll probably decide you’ll pass on it because it might become difficult, or you’ll believe you’re seeing the signs that indicate it will be difficult.??You’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Of course, you’re not going to close every opportunity you encounter, however, if you decide to put less than 100% effort into making a sale happen, then you’ve already lost that sale.
For additional information about David Richman and Butterfield Enterprises, Inc., review David's Linkedin Profile or contact David directly at (818) 368-1308 or email David Richman at [email protected]. And if you haven’t already done so, take a moment to join Mr. Richman’s Linkedin network.??You’ll be glad you did.