Are you one of those whiners?
Vince Skillcorn
Judo Disruptor - challenging the status quo whilst building one of the biggest judo clubs in the country.
Hey {{contact.first_name}},
Serious question: are you one of those people that moan about the state of judo?
Are you upset with the way things are?
Were things different in your day?
Has the BJA ruined everything?
Would you wear a baseball cap saying Make British Judo Great Again!
Well, maybe all of those things are true.
But what would you do differently?
Sorry, a better question ... What are you doing to improve things?
I'm serious.
Too many people live below the line ... Have you heard of below the line thinking?
When I learned this concept it totally changed my perspective and it's something we teach in our Mastermind group.
Being below the line results in Blame, Excuses and Denial ... all things you cannot control or change and ultimately moves you further away from where you want to be.
Mindset is everything ...
As coaches, we wouldn't accept it from our athletes ...
It was the referees fault ...
I had a poor night’s sleep ...
It doesn't really matter anyway ...
So why do we accept it from ourselves?
We must keep our thinking above the line ... with
This is where the magic happens. This is where you start to make a change.
I don't expect anyone to have my vision or purpose to change the landscape of judo ...
But I'm confident you do have a purpose. You have a vision.
No judoka starts coaching for the fame and riches ... it's to make a difference.
But you get worn down.
We are lied to… BUILD IT, AND THEY WILL COME ... is a load of BS.
It's funny how you spend your hard-earned cash to become a coach and then never learn how to generate any members or income from it.
But that's below-the-line thinking ...
When starting the mastermind programme, we spoke to many coaches about joining, and more coaches said no than yes.
Which is understandable.
But I like to follow the progress of the coaches who said no to the mastermind programme—not in a weird, creepy way.
And for the most part, I see the same story:
Struggling to grow their membership.
Bringing in other martial arts or activities to fill mat time to pay rent.
Or, in extreme cases, preparing to close their doors.
And unfortunately, it usually includes a lot of below-the-line thinking.
This makes me really sad.
Especially when you compare it to the coaches who said yes to joining our Mastermind Programme.
3x their membership
3x their income
Exiting their day job to focus on the judo club
Finding full-time premises for their judo clubs
Having a clear plan for growth
Having a support network
Being surrounded by people who cheer you on!
Where do you want to be in 12 months’ time?
Dojo LaunchPad Mastermind Programme is the only judo programme designed for judo coaches to grow their judo clubs by people who have done it.
Sam and I employ a team.
We have a full-time premises.
For the past 9 years, we earned our sole income from our judo club.
And now ... we can honestly say we are helping others achieve the same.
If you are SERIOUSLY interested in growing your judo club.
If you want to start above-the-line thinking.
Reply to this email to book a discovery call. If you meet our criteria for joining the Mastermind Programme, we will explain the next steps ...
We will not give you a FREE RIDE or an EASY TIME.
But you will get results. You will learn the power of above-the-line thinking.
How does that sound?
I look forward to hearing from you,
Best wishes,
Vince - Self-Appointed Judo Disruptor