Are You One of the 30%?
Lisa Marie Platske
★Business Coach for Leaders ★ Speaker ★ Int'l Best-Selling Author ★
Are you one of the 30%?!?
Are you doing the bare minimum?
Shirking your responsibility?
"Quiet Quitting" is the latest work buzz phrase... and it's because it's
a real thing.
Quiet quitters do nothing extra – and actively disengage from their work. The crazy statistic is that 70% of all workers in the United States are “not engaged” …let alone passionate about their work. This means only 30% -- or 3 out of 10 -- are doing their work with care, commitment and passion.
What the what?!?
And these numbers have held steady for a decade. Meaningful work and money can go hand in hand.
To be committed, passionate, and focused on work you love, start with your end in mind. What does that kind of work and life look like to you? How would it feel??Then, look at your mission, values, and vision. Joy + wealth doesn’t have to be for “other people.” To have them does require contribution.
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking." ~ Steve Jobs
If you’re struggling with this ... and are seeking greater health, happiness, success, and meaning … this requires you to increase your leadership IQ.
Leadership IQ begins with understanding yourself first-- recognizing how you're wired, being aware of your strengths, and having clarity around what inspires and motivates you.
Leadership starts as an "inside job."
What are you waiting for?!? 70% of the population is looking for you... needing you to show up, shine, and turn the tide of disengagement and apathy.
There is work to be done. Good work that can make a positive difference.
The Upside Challenge?for the week is to examine with honest evaluation-- if you are doing the bare minimum.
Where do you need to re-engage and find your passion?
?If you are having trouble with this-- reach out for a conversation.