Are You Ok Hon??
Throwback & Career Snapshots: Managers, Memories, and Milestones?
When you look back at your career, chances are you can identify the managers who shaped your journey—some for the better and others, perhaps, not so much. The influence a manager has on your career trajectory cannot be overstated. They can be a catalyst for growth or an anchor holding you back.?
?A Personal Reflection?
Recently, I found myself clearing out my Instagram, which had become an unintentional time capsule from eight years ago. I’d sort of forgotten I even had an account (though the spammers certainly hadn’t!) and only revisited it because I was setting up another platform for my recruiter work. As I hacked in to get it sorted, it prompted me to reflect on where life has taken me: from being single to married, becoming a step-parent, and navigating countless other changes.?
The biggest shift, work-wise, was transitioning from being employed to self-employed. While scrolling through these memories, one thing stood out—the job I had eight years ago and the incredible manager who played a pivotal role in shaping my career. In fact, I was lucky enough to have two or three people in my twenties who had a profound impact on my life in general.?
Whilst the old adage is, leave everything at the office door, I wish there was a world where this was always possible - the reality is that we live this thing called life -? sometimes it's messy, chaotic, demanding, exhausting, exciting, joyous, nerve-wracking. And part of being a great manager, in my opinion, is knowing your team well enough to recognise when they’re struggling and when they’re thriving. I firmly believe that no one (who wants to be in the role) will turn up to work to do a bad job on purpose.?
In my case, I was fortunate to have people in my career who supported my goals and pushed me forward, but what about the flip side???
The Other Side of the Coin: "Bad" Managers?
Unfortunately, not all managers inspire greatness. A "bad" manager can stifle growth, damage confidence, and even derail a career. Here’s how:?
Micromanagement: Constant oversight erodes trust and can make you second-guess your abilities. It’s hard to thrive when you feel you’re not trusted to do your job. Unfortunately, this also flows down the "chain of command", so your direct reports will also end up feeling this way if this is what your manager does.?
Lack of Support: A manager who doesn’t provide guidance or advocate for you can leave you feeling adrift and undervalued. The manager who talks about you to others not realising that those people will tell you exactly what they said? The one who said that they had your back, but didn't??
Poor Behaviour: From personal slights, over critical feedback to outright bullying; poor managers create unhealthy work environments that impact both your mental health and professional performance. It can go the other way too - remarks on personal appearance, uninvited "advice" on non work related matters or simply a manager with unpredictable mood swings that leave you walking on eggshells.?
Missed Opportunities: A manager who doesn’t invest in your development or blocks your progress can leave you stuck in roles that don’t align with your aspirations. Sometimes it feels like the goalposts shift whenever you ask about progression. (The topic of biased behaviours is a whole other article – stay tuned)?
The Role of Company Culture: It’s Not Just a Gen Z Thing?
A company’s culture and ethos can fundamentally shape how you lead. If the values of your workplace shift in a way that clashes with your core beliefs, it can make you feel like a square peg in a round hole.?
If you find yourself wondering:?
Advice for Navigating Your Career?
I’ve seen how career shifts can make life feel more manageable. With work taking up 40–50 hours a week, your remaining 20 hours or so of waking time at home split between family, relaxation and then sleep if you're lucky enough to get the elusive 8 hours a night - those hours should not be consumed by work-related stress.??
Lessons Learned?
The managers you encounter can shape not only your career but also your leadership style. For me, the good ones taught me the value of empathy, open communication, and constructive feedback. The bad ones? They taught me exactly what not to do and I did my very best not to carry these with me. I wasn’t a perfect manager - I’m only human - but I hope that my good moments outweighed the bad.?
If your current manager isn’t supportive, take control of your career. Seek out mentors, network actively, and explore opportunities where you’ll be valued. The property world now has many groups offering incredible support - if you need direction, just ask, and I’ll pop over the details.??
Closing Thoughts: Would You Work For You??
I’ve seen firsthand how the right leadership can transform careers. When candidates describe their unicorn role it more often than not includes? a manager who inspires and uplifts them, in a company that aligns with their personal and career goals.?
It’s a reminder that we’re not just looking for the right job; we’re looking for the right people to guide us.
And no, this isn’t just a “Gen Z thing” - it’s something we all crave, even us Millennials who sometimes forget we have Instagram.?