Are you offering Monetized or Social ROI to your clients?
The marketing focus for most businesses should be different from what we offered our clients 12 months ago, especially in the area of Social Media marketing for the simple reason that the landscape has changed dramatically. I personally do not believe that we need to be promoting on all the social platforms, since they are not all created equally.
In this article I will Identify what I think is the top 3 platforms for monetized ROI, what are the 3 best for social ROI, as well as which ones I think is the best platforms to stay away from. Let me state here and now that I do not believe that you need to be offering each and every service you offer, just promote the top 3 or 5 areas you specialize in. What I have found, customers prefer to deal with a company or freelancer that is specialized.
So many companies try to portray themselves as a one stop shop, not realizing that they are being perceived as a "Jack of all trades, but master of none"; doing their brand a serious disservice. So the first step is to streamline your offerings, and let your potential clients know what services you can offer at a very high standard and quality.
So what are the platforms that I believe deliver results for monetized ROI?
- Facebook ads
What this platform allows you to do is to increase your market share with targeted ads to people that are already have already shown interest to similar products and services as your own. When done properly promotion on this platform has no equal when it comes to delivering monetized ROI for your clients.
2. Google AdWords
What I like most about this platform is that google does the qualifying of the prospects for you, assuming you are using the correct keywords to target the right audience for your business or service. So once you pay going rate for those keywords that space is reserve for you on Google and traffic from those keywords is sent to your client's site or squeeze page. The image below should give you are clearer idea why these ads are so advantageous, since they are placed at the top of the searched page for any given keyword:-
This particular platform, should be used in conjunction with your facebook ads campaigns, since fb ads are not a 100% targeting, so you can use Click funnels for conversions, as well as do up-sells of your higher ticket items. There are also some excellent training in this platform, that is very user friendly that even a newbie to this platform can get starte building their own funnels and driving traffic to their site. Visit Click funnels if this is something that might interest you or your clients.
So what are the top 3 platforms that delivers the best result for social ROI?
Using Facebook for this purpose the focus should be to build your social media presence, by getting customers to join your your clients business page or focus groups, with the intention of monetizing that audience sometime in the future.
That would also be the purpose of running YouTube ads, to grow your subscriber base, with viewers who would be interested in your content and what you have to offer. So the primary focus is not to convert your clients into paying clients immediately, but to establish a social presence for your brand and build awareness for yourself or your clients.
Instagram is a must now since it is has a huge growing presence that simply cannot be ignored, and has both monetary and social implications that can benefit any brand, both now and in the future.
The platforms that I have not experience much success with is Pinterest, Twitter, Snapchat and Tumblr. This is not to say that these are not great platforms, but you will have to give them a try and see if they fit with what you are offering the market.
I hope this have been of some benefit to you, and please comment in response section and let me know what is working for you right now in 2019 in terms of online marketing.
To your success!