You Are Now Prepared, You Are Now READY!! Exclaims The Lord

You Are Now Prepared, You Are Now READY!! Exclaims The Lord

My beloved child, by My Spirit you will know with all your heart, as you are receiving My words here, whether this is My message to you today, or whether this is My message to you for a later date.

Do you now see it?! Do you now perceive it?!
Through EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE I ordained for you to have throughout your life, yes, EVERY experience, I HAVE been preparing you!!

NOW, TODAY, My beloved child, SMILE, as I am here to share with you that the HAVE is now changing to HAD!!

My beloved, precious, fearfully and wonderfully made child, I HAD been preparing you, through ALL the seconds of your life up until you receiving My words here, YOU, ARE, NOW, PREPARED!!

YES, YOU ARE NOW PREPARED, not by your own strength, not by your own might, but by My Spirit, YOU ARE NOW PREPARED!

By My Spirit, I am already beginning to reveal to you what I had prepared you for, before you receive it in My words here.

YOU ARE NOW PREPARED to see Me fulfil promise after promise after promise, that by faith you have been standing on!!

YOU ARE NOW READY to see Me, the Holy One of Israel, fulfil prophetic word after prophetic word after prophetic word!!

YOU ARE NOW READY to see the salvation of your closest family members!!

YOU ARE NOW READY to be my hands, to be my feet, to be my voice, and to show my heart to all your family members who before now, I hadn't revealed Myself to!!

My precious child, let the tears flow, FOR YES, YOU ARE NOW READY!!!

Yes, YOU ARE NOW READY to begin experiencing the greatest, the strongest, the heaviest desires upon your heart SUDDENLY manifesting upon the earth!!

YOU ARE NOW READY to steward the greater and greater and greater, for My beloved child, you have shown Me that I can trust you with a little!!

My precious child, I made you in My image!

You are My masterpiece!

TRULY, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

TRULY, your body is a temple of My Spirit!

TRULY, greater is My Spirit in you than the spirit that is in the world!

TRULY, I have made you the head and NOT the tail!

TRULY, I have refined you by fire time and time again!

TRULY, your faith is now in Me, the Lord your God, and in Me alone!

TRULY, you are not just a hearer of My Word, you are a DOER of My Word!
TRULY, you have shown Me that you will always, always, always when I ask, freely give, as you have freely received!
TRULY, you have shown me that you are living your life and you will ALWAYS live your life to please me, and NOT man.

TRULY, you have shown me that you lean not on your own understanding, but instead, you have put ALL YOUR TRUST IN ME, and you acknowledge Me in all your ways.

Truly, you are not ashamed of the Gospel, for you know it is the power of I, the Lord your God, that brings salvation to ALL who believe.

Truly, my beloved child, you live with ABSOLUTELY ZERO FEAR OF MAN, for you know I, the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you know that I am for you, my beloved child, and not against you, and you know that if I am for you, who can EVER be against you?

TRULY, you know that NO WEAPONS FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL EVER PROSPER, and you know that every tongue that rises up against you, you simply condemn, for that is a heritage of the servants of Me, the King of Glory.

TRULY, my beloved child, you had been prepared for this moment now, to watch and see time and time again I the Lord your God, bring you to tears of inexpressible joy, as you hear Me say to you:

“My beloved child, I told you I would do it! I am a man of My Word! ALL My promises prove true!”

My beloved child, share My message with your brothers and sisters whom you know My message here is for.

Thank you. Thank you, My beloved child.

Truly, you are My good and faithful servant.

Message 1st published on the Become Born-Again Worldwide Ministry website here -


