You never know when you might need me...

You never know when you might need me...

How are you?

If you feel anything like me, then the answer will be...frazzled.

Me and my family went back to the UK for 6 days to visit friends and family. The word whirlwind does not do our visit justice! We'd not been back for 3 years, so we had a lot of catching up to do and 6 days was not enough time to fit everyone in. I then realised that I hadn't booked anytime off afterwards and the following day after returning back to Spain I was scheduled to speak at a gender equality conference.

Needless to say, I slept VERY well after that!

So...because I'm still 'recovering' from my UK trip, this week's email is a bit of a cheat one (and it's late, sorry!)

It's taken from a post that I wrote last week, BUT I know that it is valuable, so I'm sharing it with you here.

It's about the times when people need to call in a pay gaps expert, AKA me!

You might think that I get called in only when an organisation needs help with figuring out their gender pay gap action plan, but there are actually about 10 different scenarios. Today I'll share just the top five for now.

Here are the five most common times I get calls from organisations:

?? The existing CEO/MD demands to see a reduction in the gender pay gap figure.

?? A new CEO/MD decides that reducing the gender pay gap figure within a specific time frame is now a key priority.

?? Stakeholder and investors place pressure on organisations to prove they're addressing this and/or do better, in order to maintain support and/or investment.

?? Employees are openly telling managers that they're unhappy with the gender pay gap figure and its damaging internal perceptions of the organisation.

?? KPIs to reduce the gender pay gap figure or take specific action is embedded into directors' performance reviews.

There are more (around 10 on total), but these were the most frequent and of those, I'm seeing a bigger increase in no. 4 - where employees are vocal about what they think and feel.

Your pay gap is about more than just the end figure. It has ripple affects that affect your employer branding, employee engagement as well as your ability to secure investments and partnerships.

Looking at that list, do you recognise any? Which one(s) would make you reach out for help??

I'm curious, let me know!

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Past speaking engagement - 21st March

This week I had the pleasure of sponsoring and speaking at the Government Events conference 'Shaping the Future of Women in Work 2023: Achieving Gender Equality in the Workplace'

I talked about how to make gender pay gap reporting meaningful for businesses by focusing on the things that makes the right impact.

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Upcoming speaking engagement - 29th March

I am a mentor for??Women of Colour Global Network ?and I'll be delivering a session on 'Money stories imposed on Women of Colour: Understanding how to navigate them in the workplace.'

I'll be exploring how to navigate the topic of money conversations as a women of colour in predominantly white workplaces.

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Online pay gaps training

I recently created an online training portal for a client which covers the basics of understanding the gender pay gap and what organisations can do to close their pay gaps.

Accessing this training online is a great way to gain confidence in understanding the pay gap and learn what steps you can take to address the root causes.

The training starts from £3000 for 3 people with access for 4 months and you get a 45-minute consultancy call with me as well. For details on how you can purchase this for your organisation, do get in touch.

I'll be sharing more details on this another newsletter soon.

If you want to find out more how I’ve been supporting organisations with their pay gaps and would like to explore how I could do the same for you too, book a call with me here .

Gwendolyn J. Tucker

Human Capital Strategist I DEI Leadership I Talent Development I Workforce Development I Pay For Performance I Author l Speaker I Podcast Host I MBJ Super Woman 2023 Honoree

1 年

Excellent article, Michelle Gyimah! Sooooo glad you took time to enjoy your family and friends!


