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You Never Know What Sticks

My Father having some fun with his grandkids, back in 2014...10 Years ago, hard to believe how time is flying.

Ok, so Wix decided to add an additional charge this week to post to more than one social account, so giving this a try. If you have been watching Linkedin for my posts I really appreciate it. The best way to see the post and much more is to sign up for my newsletter, which includes this and more. Go here and just enter your email address at the top. Now, onto this week's post.

First, I hope all the fathers out there enjoyed their Father's Day. I have been gifted many things over the years, but the gift and responsibility to be able to be a father to our three boys is by far the best!

As a father, manager, parent, whatever, I'm sure you can think of the many things you have said to people over the years. It could have been something simple like leaving it better than you left it, cleaning up when you are done, or making sure you do not miss this area. Throughout a given week you are giving out advice or instructions each and every day. No doubt some of those instructions are considered and others fall by the wayside. If you have teenagers, you know most of those instructions fall by the wayside.

What you do not realize is over the course of the day or week, how many of those instructions stick and have a lasting impression far beyond what you could've imagined. My father read one of my blog posts years ago and said to me, wow, never realized that stuck. Then just about a year ago, my oldest son said to me, "I listen more than you realize, Dad."

Yes, we say a lot. Yes, we expect a lot. Yes, we are disappointed many times with the reactions of others. But never stop!! Keep providing those instructions, keep pushing for what is better, and keep working to give and guide to what is the best for those around us. You never know what sticks.

Thank you Fathers out there, and thank you to my Dad. You always pushed me to be my best.

Still, most of all, thank you to my Father in Heaven who saved my soul.

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