You Never Failed, Only Agreed to What You Don't Want

You Never Failed, Only Agreed to What You Don't Want

Everything you have ever accomplished is a result of you having said “Yes” to something.


By the same token, all your bad results are a product of you having said “Yes” to something you wanted to say “No”.


All your “unhappy” results are only a natural consequence of you having agreed to something you didn’t want.


You may say you didn’t agree to the bad stuff happening to you. On the surface you are correct -?you did not willingly invite a hostile human into your life, nor you did not invite someone who “ripped you off”.


Neither consciously you invited rejection from someone whom you have helped.?


Chronic illness was not something you wanted.


Yet, the bad stuff did happen.


Feeling victimized is a typical reaction to unexpected, painful events.


Except, you were happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s seldom your fault.


Often, there was absolutely nothing you could do because it was a random event.


When you are identifying yourself as a victim, you are simultaneously rejecting autonomy and control. You are saying “NO” to yourself being in charge of your life.


The truth is, sometimes, it just feels good to feel bad.


When you take the position of bystander, a witness, you will automatically gain a new perspective on the event, and not feel guilty about what happened.


The “real: truth though, is, there is no failure, only misplaced expectations, and those may be the “programs”, which are running behind the scenes, completely outside of your awareness, and generating your results.


It has been documented we do not get the results we want but the results we unconsciously expect.


In addition, feeling bad easily becomes a habit, a pattern, and a source of false security, as it naturally determines what results you can expect. You automatically become a passive recipient of what happens to you.


Except, it was always you, unconsciously creating your results, and then reacting to them as if those were caused by something external to yourself.?


The mechanics of it is quite simple.


Inside of your subconscious mind, there existed a parallel story, which you were not aware of, but which drove your motivations, fears, decisions, and ultimately, your outcomes.


A good example of such a hidden “yes”, is a belief, “I am not worthy of success”. With that program running in the background, no matter how hard you try, you will most likely always sabotage your success in ways that may surprise you.



Another example of a subconscious “yes”, is a belief, “I am not important”.


This deeply rooted belief may impact how successful you become. Suddenly, without any obvious reason someone less qualified gets the promotion.


The event may feel unfair, and yet, it was you who agreed to devalue yourself in the first place, and “push yourself out of the competition”. ?


The good news is, with good hypnosis you can “gain access to “behind the scenes” and change the subconscious story that has been driving your life.


It gets even more interesting when you are suddenly facing an unexpected illness.


Has this also, often, is a product of your unconscious expectation.


On the surface, an illness can be described as a malfunction of the body and is defined by specific symptoms.


On a deeper level, the meaning of your pain is different. It is a reminder of what needs rectifying, like a kind of an alarm bell.


New German medicine addresses the correlation between illnesses and underlying, unresolved traumas. When the traumas get erased from the brain, illnesses also frequently disappear.


From this point of view, your physical body is only a map of what happens inside, behind the scenes, which is largely determined by your belief system.


If you believe you are ill, most likely you will be ill. If you believe you will die, the likelihood of you dying gets higher.


Defining yourself as a terminally ill person creates a rippling effect across the fabric of your entire life, starting with a direct impact on your body, which only responds to the subconscious commands. If instructed to become more ill, it will obey and generate the symptoms you want to avoid.


Your body merely responds to a complex internal set of commands which always start with an agreement.


Your body is also a chemical factory producing “happy” and “unhappy” chemicals which get created through our thought process and emotions.


These chemicals generate chemical impacts that always have a cascading effect on the body, over time.


This devastating chain can be reversed engineered down to its root.


The good news is, sometimes even the most subtle subconscious?shifts, will generate a sudden massive shift in health.


Some people spontaneously recover, and without any logical medical explanation.


I have seen amazing results where, for example, some people have spontaneously recovered from cancer.


I once had a client who regained her hearing in one ear, after being deaf for more than a decade.


I have also had clients spontaneously get rid of allergies, chronic pain, high blood pressure, and other pervasive health problems.


Now, let’s briefly examine a scenario where you are faced with a hostile person.


A natural reaction is to resist and fightback, which is a reactive mode, a hidden “yes” to subservience.


Except, you are in a position where you can decline identifying yourself as a victim and take full control of the situation.


There are specific hypnotic techniques you can use to completely reclaim your power in any situation.


Your success in this scenario depends entirely about what you believe about yourself in the situation. This one belief will drive your unconscious expectations in the situation.


When examining our relationships, we must recognize they always reflect the relationship we have with ourselves.


They are merely a mirror of the relationship we have with ourselves.


“Who is that person in the mirror, looking back at me?”


What you believe about yourself is a “yes” and directly influences every aspect of your life.


If you change your internal representation of yourself, you will rapidly experience a transformation in your results.


Others will also relate to you differently. Success will become easier to achieve, and your health will most likely also improve.


If you are ready to transform your deep inner representation of the self, and take a huge step towards improving your life, a good hypnosis session may be the answer you are looking for.


Anita Kozlowski MSc., Psy.D的更多文章

