You Are Never Alone
We all feel that way at some point in our lives - alone. It’s that helpless feeling deep within your soul that no one cares, or that feeling of being a burden, or the constant worry that we don’t think anyone else understands. It is especially true right now as most of the country, even the world, is on lockdown. We turn on the television, and all we see are the current disasters playing over and over again. We have people who are trying to survive, trying to feed their families. Yet the news shows us how farmers are forced to dump millions of pounds of food and milk. I just read in the New York Times how farmers are dumping thousands of gallons of fresh milk, how a single chicken processor is smashing 750,000 unhatched eggs every week. Yet people are trying to find food for their families.
I don’t have the answer. I wish I did! It seems that we are not only fighting a virus but each other as well. It’s mayhem out there! Republican against Democrat, left versus the right, fight, fight, fight is all I see! Fingers are pointing at others, only to blame. Yet solutions seem elusive because we can’t all come together, not even for the greater good. We can’t listen to each other’s differing opinions without being rude and disrespectful. Somehow the world has lost its respect for anyone who is different from ourselves. How is that going to work with this current situation? I’ve never seen such a divided country.
So here a few things we can do: Firstly, respect! Respect for others and their opinions. LISTEN to others with an open mind. You don’t have to agree, but you can undoubtedly be respectful in your disagreement. Name-calling and finger-pointing only makes things worse. I certainly am not willing to listen to someone if they’re doing those things. If you have extra to give, then give it. It may only be a loaf of bread, gallon of milk, or even a dozen eggs. Maybe all you can provide is a sympathetic ear! Just letting people know that you care about them can do wonders for their psyche. Spend this time trying to be as productive and helpful as you can, in the ways you can.
We will get through this. We are strong. But what things look like on the other side of the pandemic is up to us – ALL of us. Be the positive, and we can come out of this stronger than we went in. We got this.