you are beyond a title!
women of unity

you are beyond a title!

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Hello to all heroines across the globe.

Have you ever felt frustrated when it comes to some infuriating misogyny stereotypes?

This thing has been customary for ages making memes out of women, and some corny beliefs are an explicit example of having these pure creatures fall out of favor in the public eye.

Back in 2015 summer, There was an upcoming streaming video that went viral on how could a woman sound super crazy-hot, telling men “women are meant to give birth to children, what type of women are worthy of marriage or rating the beauty of each lady’s look and hence calling on their traits “crazy”. As a resounding result and outcome, the host turned out to be the most treasured influencer of the summer and gained thousands of followers on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media space.

Candidly speaking, we are not here to go for either criticism or favoritism, there we are to bust all these sick-making buzzwords that imply women “Bat-shit”. All of us have once suffered an occasion which puts us in fits of anger and were feeling stumped, nobody could sense us deep down, and to relieve you they have just said “are you on periods again? Are you going crazy again? And you are self-deprecating yourself, wondering your value, questioning yourself,” Is it me acting eccentric?

The answer doesn’t lie within you, you are being just hormonal, this assumption lies within the naked truth that somebody is making you feel doubting yourself, and is actually gas-lighting!

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You may not be affiliated with the meaning of gas-lighting, when somebody is making you disregard your value is gas-lighting, It’s not within reason to feel ashamed of you, only after being hormonal. While you feeling low-down over a well-thought-of reason, your man calls you “crazy or emotional “or “you are being on periods again “.


To date back on some deep surveys of the past, while the so-called lady we exemplified earlier, wanted to fight her battles and stand up for her honor, nobody paid heed to what she said and why she was distressed and once they took her to the doctor, there was no element of delusion or sickness, she was just diagnosed of being Hysteria. Hysteria was a catchall word to do with women with no symptoms of sickness but distress, irritability, and giving detrimental remarks of being weak. Hysteria is a Greek word that means Uterus. This word got contemporary and part of everyday spoken language, aiming to respond courageously to women, and draw a negative picture of females in politics “women can’t be well-qualified politicians, women can’t get a college degree, they are not excelled in finance and law and also women are just meant to be good mothers because they are emotional”.

Now tell me something, are women merely emotional? how about men?

Men also get cranky when their favored team loses the game or under tormenting conditions, they quarrel with somebody or start bullying people around. Under what circumstances, they overreact? What provokes them to stand fierce in the crowd? It’s genuinely something to do with their Testosterone.

Overall not only women undergo the spontaneous impact of their hormones but also men do!

Now no matter of the gender, female or male, stereotypes are always being widespread and well-noticed, but still, this is you, not because you are a mother or father, not because you are a sister or brother, not because you are a girl or boy, just because of you, because you are a person and every person is dignified!


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