You Need To Start Using Coensio in 2023 ASAP. Why?
HR managers and recruiters post job postings on all platforms to reach the qualified candidates who best suit their requirements and have certain skills. But to what extent do these wishes come true? Let us tell you; it usually does not. But now, it is more than possible with Coensio. Are you curious about how? Just keep reading.
Tesla and Walmart use Coensio.?
The fastest-growing HR startup in Europe.
It is the story of a startup that has become the leader of Turkey in the field of HR with record growth and is rapidly progressing with the aim of becoming a leader globally.?
1- You Value Your Time
The concept of time is one of the factors that affect both candidates and HR managers/recruiters the most in the hiring process. The concept of time-to-hire means a lot for the modern world. Why? Effective and smart use of time brings you even more money, work, and results. There is a high probability that you will waste your time with old-fashioned manual CV screenings and not even find a qualified candidate. Moreover, this is one of the biggest problems that many companies face, regardless of whether they are big or small, which causes them to lose money. In addition to this, it is not certain whether they will find a more qualified candidate as they spend more money and time. As a result, the smartest solution for recruiters is to use skill assessments, which will save them from all these worries and losses. With the questions you choose from Coensio's library of thousands of questions, you can evaluate the candidates in the most effective, fair, and fastest way by creating your custom tests or using ready-made tests for thousands of positions.
?2- You Don't Want To Exceed Your Budget
Your budget/money is important. Money doesn't grow on trees, after all. We all know it. But the main question is, how? How can you find the most qualified candidates in a short time and save your budget at the same time? With Coensio, this is now possible. With a library of thousands of professional questions, you can create your own custom assessments or use ready-made assessments if you want. Being able to shortlist the most qualified candidates without even lifting your finger not only saves a lot of time and money but also allows you to conduct interviews with the most qualified candidates as soon as possible.?
3- You want to reach the qualified candidate who suits the best to your specific requirements.
Thinking that you can find qualified candidates with CV screening is now an overly optimistic prediction. CVs have been losing their reliability and effectiveness for a very long time. The main important issue is not the candidate's background, the schools he/she attended, or the certificates he/she received, but how much he/she can use and demonstrate them in practice, that is, his/her skills.
With Coensio, you can save your budget by 87% and time by 93% in the hiring process. If you also want to find the qualified candidates you are looking for as soon as possible, with the minimum budget and most fairly, start your free trial now!