If you need more from the people on your team, they probably need more of you as team leader
IN MANY CASES when a team's performance is low, its leaders react by asking for more dedication, more commitment, more effort, more this and that from the team members.
However, before asking others to do something different, the true leader must examine himself, at how he has acted, check his relationships not only with his team, but equally, with each of its members, personally.
Does each of them have the necessary skills to carry out their activities, have they received the necessary guidance, the necessary support when problems exceed their capabilities or authority?
In short, has your team been able to count on you when they need you?
Are you with them, together, willing, and exposing yourself more than them to the risks inherent to leading a group?
Before you expect more from your team members, remember, perhaps they are the ones who have been expecting more from you.
Eduardo Cupaiolo ([email protected])
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