You need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Tracy Vega
Personal Safety Expert|National Media Contributor|Speaker|Blogger|Workplace Safety|Cert. Associate Project Manager
Active Shooter- Would You Know What to Do?
?What do you think of when you hear the words “Active Shooter”? For most of us we envision the stories we just saw on the news but never think it will happen where we live. We want to be able to turn off the news physically and mentally to get a break from the relentless acts of violence.?Unfortunately, just disconnecting isn’t enough we still need to be keenly alert in any public setting.
First Look at your everyday routines and what would you do if you were faced with an emergency situation? What is my plan to exit immediately? If you are at restaurant or in a store, look for an emergency exit or another door other than the one you used when you came in. What are your options? Have you ever looked? Employee’s usually have a separate entrance from the public. Take a minute now to think of a place you frequent often. Do you know what is the best option to escape? Probably not, but now start thinking about your plan each time you are out in public.
Second People watch. In the past my husband would say I was the fashion police and we had this standing joke about sitting me facing away from the aisles when we are out in public. Today people watching is actually a good thing. Now more than ever, I think it’s extremely important to watch people’s actions, what are they doing, who they are with, why are they there? Look for oddities, people and things out of place. Why is that person there? Does it make sense? Is everyone else dressed in shorts and a tee shirt because it’s 90 plus degrees outside, and then you see one person fully dressed wearing a long coat? Do you see someone else across the way dressed the same? Are they looking at their watches or seem nervous? Why did the person who just sat down next to you at the movies come in with a back pack? Did someone walk away and leave their bag? Be a people watcher!
Third If you notice anything suspicious don’t hesitate to report it. Law enforcement encourages us to call, so you if you see something, say something. The police can’t be everywhere which is why we (the public) are the best defense against an attack before it happens! When calling 911 if you don’t know the exact address of the location provide as many details and nearby landmarks as possible to the dispatcher. You also want to provide specific information for the situation you are calling about. For instance, they have a gun, shots fired, suspicious behavior and so on. Pay close attention to the attacker(s) so you can give an accurate description to authorities. Anything you can remember will be helpful.
?Fourth Be on high alert in large gatherings or crowds. Terrorist want to inject fear into society, focusing on large crowds so they often attack areas with large number of people that are usually less protected called soft targets. Such as sporting events, malls, theaters, restaurants and other gatherings. The mall at 7pm on a Sunday night is not as likely to be a target as Saturday morning at 10am during a huge one-day sale or a Friday night opening for a new movie release. We don’t advocate avoiding these places but you should be more alert. Don’t be offended if you walk into a theme park or an arena and they want to check your bag or person for weapons. I welcome this. We need to do whatever we can do stop a situation before it happens.
In 2016 over 12.8 million people in the U.S. currently have permits to carry a concealed weapon. Some previous articles written in 2015 credit twelve different concealed weapons carriers for stopping mass shootings in public areas. The odds are extremely low that you will be faced with an active shooter situation but if you choose to have a concealed carry permit and are faced with using your gun, an important fact to consider is that you may be the last person witnesses see firing the gun, and that could be relayed to responding police officers. To law enforcement you could be perceived as the active shooter, remember you are not a uniformed officer so they have no way of knowing when arriving on the scene who is the bad guy? When police arrive, immediately put down your weapon and put up your hands when in the presence of police. Never run towards an officer with a weapon, if you need to exit in that direction, leave your weapon and keep your hands up and visible. Expect to be treated like a suspect until they can verify your story.
Four Important Steps on What to Do When Faced with an Active Shooter
Call Out
Let everyone know there is a threat. Do this by phone, text, shouting…. “Shooter in the building”, “Active Shooter, RUN”. If you are able, call 911!
?Get Out
Just like being on a plane, always look for the closest exit or escape route. Some may be behind you.
Leave your belongings behind, try to assist and encourage those nearby to follow. Some maybe frozen from fear or shock. If they won’t go with you keep going. ?Move quickly. If shots are being fired in your direction run in a zig-zag motion. It’s less likely you will be hit by a bullet. ?Keep your hands visible when as you exit the building. DON’T distract law enforcement. They are there to stop the shooter and secure the area. Once the threat has stopped they will come back to assist you.
?Hide Out
If you can’t escape, try to hide in an area that is out of sight of the shooter/attacker. If you can’t cover, conceal.?Cover is what you will do to try and stop the bullets, conceal is staying out of view.
Block access to your hiding spot, lock the doors. Do everything possible to deny the shooter access.
KEEP quiet. Silence your phones and any electronics. If you find yourself in an area among victims and can’t get past the shooter, lay still and play dead.
When it’s safe to do so, GET OUT QUICKLY!
Take Out
Nobody ever leaves the house thinking today is my last day, but if you are stuck in an active shooter situation with no way to hide or escape, and your life is in imminent danger as a last resort you may need to try and incapacitate or overpower the shooter with whatever means necessary. Act with physical aggression!
All of these critical steps could make a difference in the lives of everyone around you, and we encourage you to discuss these tips with your family and friends. There are never any guarantees for any dangerous situation, but being prepared ahead of time will certainly improve your odds of survival, be aware, having an exit plan could save your life and that of those around you.?
Human nature makes us creatures of habit. You need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
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Tracy Vega,
Co-Founder- Simple Self Defense for Women??