You Need These 3 Things
Doctors, do you struggle with carving out time to work on your business? When you're the primary income generator in your practice, it's hard to carve out time to do the things that will move your business forward.
This is a challenge that I work on with my clients on a regular basis, because it's a challenge that most small business owners face, including myself.
I want to share with you three things that you can block on your schedule to make a tremendous difference in your practice's growth and also your peace of mind so you're not always feeling behind, or like you're not moving your business forward.
In my business, I have three different blocks of time that are on my schedule and I have them scheduled out through the rest of my calendar year.
1. Administrative catch-up time block.
· During this time, I don't schedule any phone calls.
· Nothing on my plate other than tying up loose administrative ends in my business.
2. Business development block.
When I first started to block this for myself, things would sneak into this time block that were administrative in nature, but as I learned to become disciplined with this business development time block, I started noticing I was getting really amazing things accomplished with this focus time.
· During this time, I'm not doing anything administratively.
· No catch-up work.
· I'm only working on the things that I know will move my business forward.
3. Team development block.
· Provide training for your team.
· Fine-tune your team's verbal skills.
· Do things that you know will develop your team so they can deliver the best possible services to your clients.
This is something that every small business can benefit from!
One of the things I hear as an objection if I make this recommendation is, “We can't afford to block off that much time on our schedule because we need to see patients during that time and it will cut into our production.”
I can promise you that if you use the time as I've described, it will pay for itself because you will really start to make leaps and bounds toward the goals that you set forth for yourself. Invest in yourself and your business by carving out time to work on your business.