Are you a mystery to your staff?

Are you a mystery to your staff?

There seems to be a lot of confusion and frustration around where leaders end up asking Why dont they get it?

The confusion and frustration of course is usually on both sides and a result of poor or insufficient communication. There are a number of inherent problems but also some practical solutions to better communications on key business areas.

First the problems, Its not just the team who " dont get it" its us as well. WE need to realise that changes we are excited about can be seen by others as a threat or distraction. You might have had months considering your new cunning plan, but to the un fully briefed it sounds like unhelpful change . Most people hearing about any type of change do not immediatedly see the big vision ( I can remember being on the receiving end of new ideas as a mere minion-can you?) they feel threatened or confused intially.

Some easy things to help things move in the right direction:

Repeat repeat and repeat, dont assume that everyone has understood or retained because you beleive you have already told them.

Get people involved as early as you can. If you are involved in the plan you are more likely to accept it.

When you have briefed out key points get them to repeat back to you what they have understood.

If the message is imporant brief it to everyone in a " State of the nation" . With the best will in the world senior team members will not deliver identical messages.


