Are You My Why 5.0?
The team who helped me shape my Why 5.0 - in London

Are You My Why 5.0?

I did a Facebook live the other day, right after my birthday, to share that I’m on my “Version 5.0” of my “why.” 

I’m in my 5th decade and as I’ve continued to grow personally and professionally, I figure the current version of my “Why” must be version 5.0. 

Wait, Danette. 

In the last message, you said...

"Don’t start with your why."

What gives? 


I did start with my why - trying to create a big mission and purpose and reason for being here and reason to do work (other than just paying bills - because as women, we do want more than that, right?)

It was a bumpy ride, full of distraction, imposter syndrome, and a ton of resistance - on my part and, worse, I could see it in the face of people I “offered” my services. 

Like so many women who feel they have something to create and contribute to the world, who have skills and talents that go unnoticed or underutilized, that get shut down by people who don’t see their brilliance - or by those who do and are threatened by it…I had plenty of the “start-stop-stall” experiences. 


Perhaps you’ve wondered out loud (and privately while doing the dishes, tucking the kids in, taking a shower, or driving to work)...

“There’s got to be a better way.” 

And I don’t just mean in business - but alllllll the things. Relationships and routine stuff like chores and buying groceries. 

We’ve been wired to be caretakers (and we’re pretty good at it) - but what is filling our cup.

Puppy eyes (+ licks from our fur babies) and hugs from kids, grandkids, and our sweeties - are tremendous cup-fillers. So is tasting that cup of coffee or tea or wine especially if shared with a girlfriend who can go deeper than the surface and talk about the real stuff.

And nature. That’s filling, too. (At least it is for me...maybe your cup-filling list is slightly different). 

I'm curious - share in the comments - what’s on your “cup-filling” list? 

What about that sense of calling that nags at you?  

Maybe it feels more like a creative fire that needs an outlet. Something to do and express and share with the world? 

At first, it might feel like it’s just something inside you that needs to get out of you. Then, after playing and pondering with it for a while, you realize it’s more fun and rewarding to share it with others. 

Then, you share it and some people light up and think you’re ah-ma-zing. While others are more “meh” and even challenge your “grand ideas.” 


There is a better way than living like a robot and quieting your calling. 

And your “why” is the result of a discovery and discernment and experiment process.

Here’s what I mean….

When you get really clear about who you are and embrace and own both your gifts and your calling, you get an inclination of how you can serve. 

When you do what you do best, meaning most naturally, you’ll have built in credibility. People trust people with credibility. 

Boom! No cheesy or coercive marketing needed when you’re showing up being you! 

When you reflect about what really matters to you, a “who” will surface. This is a person (or type of person, or a group of people) that you care about, that you’ll take a stand for. 

This is the most important and empowering thing about having a mission based business. Once you know who you’ll take a stand for - you inherently know your WHY! 

And you’ll get up morning after morning to serve them. You’ll align your life around what matters most to you - including your mission, your health, and your family because it’s no longer acceptable to have to choose.

Women don’t want to climb the corporate ladder or race the mission mile and sacrifice their health and happiness at home.


After my last iteration of my Personal Compass, I took a long time to reflect about who I wanted to serve for the last few decades of my “working” life. Although I’ve always been led to serve women, the clarification came through loud and clear.

The woman I want to take a stand for is…

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Her - the woman who is called to create something and put it in the world or contribute in a way that helps or heals a part of humanity. 

She’s a woman who is on #teamhumanity and doesn’t get caught up in division, competition, and separation and knows there is a way to work and live in a world that fosters peace, harmony, and connection. 

She has brains and talents and a big heart to help but doesn't want to sacrifice her soul - or her health, relationships, and free time in order to make a difference. 

She has dreams of creating a mission, movement, or business and is ready to commit to that path or re-commit to the path and wants to be more grounded and stay focused so she gets not only traction, but momentum, and the results she wants to experience.

She has other people and projects that she cares about and wants time and money freedom to cultivate and enjoy those, as well. 

Is that you? 

If so, YOU are my Why 5.0

You and your mission.

We need you, and women like you, willing to blaze the trails doing what they are here to do. 

My mission is to facilitate your mission because not only do I believe you are here for a reason,

I believe you are HER for a Reason. 

So much that I had to change the name of my business name


Layne Change (um- we have enough of that - not staying in your lane) 


Her For A Reason (because that’s who I’m supporting - less jumping around, more getting in your lane and following it!) 

You’re the “who” from my Compass and on my path that I focus on. 

My superpowers to support you on your path are: 

  • Strategy - where are you going and what’s the best path to get there? 
  • Steps - executing on the next right step so you stay the course and get on the down the road - the entrepreneurial road that is! 
  • Structures - because getting organized gives you freedom to enjoy the experience and animate your business with your personality and flare
  • Systems  - because you want more time and energy to do what you love with those you love and systems will save you! 
  • Support - because this path is a strange and wonderful trip and like any road trip - it’s better to have some good traveling gal pals than wander around by yourself!

And here’s the thing - we need women more than ever to blaze the trails of entrepreneurship.

In fact, more women than ever before are starting businesses. 

And, unfortunately, more businesses are closing than ever before.

So I’m on a mission to #raisetheratesofsuccess for women in business.

In my next message, I’ll tell you why more than ever we need women to take the leadership role. 

It’s beyond money for food, clothing, and shelter - though we need that now too, especially with how many women have left the workforce during the pandemic.

Stay tuned… on why women are needed more than ever in business. 

In the meantime...if you are the woman I described above please join me and other road-trip ladies as we navigate the journey together in my private community. 

Message me for the invite and join a group of women on a mission.

As Margaret Mead says...

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

And if you know a woman like I’ve described above - who is always talking about a passion and mission or who wants to start her business or get recommitted and energized about the one she has started, please share this message with her...because sisters support sisters and if she has a dream, you sharing this message could be a little “love deposit” of faith and encouragement for her. 

In the meantime, I encourage you to find or discover your “who” so you can take a stand for them and allow it to evolve into a “why.” 


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