You must reciprocal with them, but do not commit mistake of considering such mentality of give and take as alms.

You must reciprocal with them, but do not commit mistake of considering such mentality of give and take as alms.

Charity or Alms given out of responsible duity, without expactation of return, at the proper time, territory and to a deserving person is considered as to be of “Satvik” divine property. {Bhagavad-Gita: 17/20)

One who think that to share or donate or humanity or cess is only his responsibility, his alms become of divine property. Those who share or donate considering his responsibility not in expactation or gain their alms become devine. Human should share own body and resources without any expactation of worldly and heavenly benefits.

Whom we should share alms? the suggestion is to share or support who has never done any favor or philanthropy to you and do not do any favour to you and there is no posibility also that in future he will do any favor to you. Support or help them without any expactation of social-economic-political gain.

The above statement or suggestion does not advise that you shall not help them those who have favored or supported you. You must reciprocal with them, but do not commit mistake of considering such mentality of give and take as alms. No one can pay for any truthful favor he had received earlier in crisis. Therefore, you must support them from whom you have receive support but not considering of returning the favour.  Any sharing or donation or philanthropy in expactation be come of “Tamash” materialistic obsess property.   

The thing which a teritorry lack  and it need it provinding that thing to that territory, providing a think to a territory at the time when it need, and onyone who lack something but need it providing that thing to the needy in crisis are recommended guideline for alms, support, help and charity etc. 

Such above alms are of divine catergory denote that all the things of entire world belong to everyone for use of everyone, it is not personal propety of anyone. Therefore, person who has not done any favour to you, help him who need it considering that your services and shared materials belong to everyone and him also.

Honestely human and society shall acknowledge that Divine-God has created the world and He is the lord or owner, the world has been created for all creatures to access the resourcess equally, with this concept allocation of resources shall be done which will bing sustainable peace and happiness, otherwise it is against law of Divine and attachement of abnormalities.

But Alm given in expectation of fruits or return, otherwise under compulsion, those alms is of Rajash” materialist property. (Bhagvada-Gita: 17/21)

“Rajash” materialistic obsessed charity or alms is given in expatation of favor or gain. Human of materialist obsessed nature give charity or alms considering that whom he is supporting will in return support or will do favor to him or people will be impressed and his status will enhanced in society or will be of political benefit.

“Rajash” materialistic obsessed people performed charity or share alms in expacation of worldly and heavenly benefit. They may have desire to reach and enjoy heaven as a fruit of their charity, goodwill and alms etc. The elibigility of territory, creature and time in desire inclusive devotion is materialistic and opportunist driven.

“Rajash” materialistic obsessed charity or alms is followed by the idea of supporting someone from whom favor or help had been received or anticipation of  help in future from others.  Some time unwillingly “Rajash” materialistic obsessed charity or alms is give out of compulsion or presser or recommendation from higher authority, to keep someone happy  that they have been favoring in time therefore I shall support them in their need and for own benefit or survival on various calculation of profit-loss. 


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