You MUST Read This! Right Now!
John Phillips
Published Author, and Speaker/ Instructor @ Hillsborough Community College: Freelance writer & writing coach
The Dark Hurts by John Phillips. A Review left on Amazon USA "What can I say about this book that hasn't already been said? Truthfully not much. This book blew me away in what has been an emotional roller coaster that keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering where the next turn is going to take place. This book explores the heart and soul of human nature and delves into the very core of humanity. John Phillips is an excellent writer and to call him a novice at his craft would be an insult to both him and his work. I honestly wish I could forget the book just so I can have the pleasure of reading it all over again."
Check out for yourself all the 42 5 X star reviews on Amazon different sites. I think and hope like all the others you will enjoy the story….
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