You must proceed beyond the PPT
Daniel Ehrenreich
Leading ICS-OT-IIOT Cyber Security Expert, Consultant, Workshops Lecturer, International Keynote Speaker
In the past cyber security experts believed that that cyber resilience can be achieved by the PPT triad, saying People-Policies and Technologies. While this statement remains true, today it is not enough and we must expand our activity with few more topics.
a) Continuous innovation - Cyber defense method which was quite strong in the past is no longer valid because today's adversaries are financed by crime organization, countries and commercial companies which want access to confidential data through Cyber attack. The valid term "Expect the Unexpected" and be a "Be ahead of the bad guys" shall be considered and a guideline of what shall you do..
b) We all know the term APT- standing for Advance Persistence Threat. Experts will tell you that APT attacks will be eventually successful. So what you can do: Adopt the term APD -meaning Advanced Persistent Defense. No doubt that if you adhere to this process you will always be at least one step ahead of the adversaries.
c) Cooperation and Collaboration. I mean here that no single person or vendor or organization can be best in class in every aspect of cyber defense. You need information from data sources, learn from colleagues working in other organizations, from consultant, vendors and more. However you must be always careful because a solution which may be perfect in one organization might be a complete disaster in other organization.