You Must Know, These Simple But Effective Tips for Optimizing Your Website's Meta Tags
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What is one digital marketing strategy that is widely used by business people to get maximum return on investment with minimal costs? One of the many answers that exist, might lead to Website SEO strategies.
SEO is stands for Search Engine Optimization, a science of website optimization so that it can appear at the top of search engine search results pages. This knowledge is focused on certain keywords which are the main target.
In the process, there are many things that business people must learn. One of them is learning about On Page SEO methods, an SEO method where method where all the steps are focused on the main website.
In this method, we will find many important techniques. What we will discuss in this article is Meta Tags. What are Meta Tags?.
Meta Tags are HTML code on a website that makes it easier for crawlers to understand the entire content of your website. When crawlers understand the content of your content, it will be easily displayed in relevant keyword searches.
The easier it is for your website to appear in searches for relevant keywords, the higher the visibility of the existing website will be.
Meta tags on the website itself consist of 2 main parts, the meta title and the meta description. The following is a description of each;
The meta title is the information contained in the title of the website article content. This information is the first thing users see on the SERP. Meanwhile, the meta description is the information contained under the content title of the article. This information functions as a second trigger for users to click.
MinTiv feels that the information above is enough as an introduction. Here, MinTiv will share effective tips about how to optimize meta titles and meta descriptions.
We will start by discussing the meta title first.
Tips for Optimizing Meta Titles/Content Titles
Tips for Optimizing Meta Descriptions
This is a complete explanation of meta tags is. If you want further consultation, please contact us on the Creativism website...